San Francisco’s 154th weekend celebration of Italian Heritage began on Friday night, October 7, with a lovely reception at the Italian Consulate hosted by our Consul General Sergio Strozzi for Queen Isabella and her Court, their parents, and the Italian Heritage Celebration Board of Directors. The next night the Italian Heritage Celebration hosted its first post-pandemic Grande Ballo at the beautifully historic former Hibernia Bank in San Francisco, with the crowning of Queen Isabella, Filomina Torchy Prudente Reilly, the knighting of Christopher Columbus as portrayed by Joseph Cervetto, Jr., and the presentation of the Royal Court (Princess, Duchesses, Contessas, Ladies in
Roma Lodge members gave their final farewell to 60-year member Leroy Beecher who passed away in September after a lengthy illness. Leroy and wife Carolyn Beecher have been long time members and supporters of the lodge as well as Grand Lodge convention delegates, officers, United Lodge honorees and he served in many capacities for the organization. Leroy was Roma Lodge president in 1971-72 and served as a State Deputy for the Hanford Lodge for many years. He was an Eagle Scout, Cub Master, and Scout Leader for over 25-years and volunteered
Hello to everyone! On September 22, the Mother Lodge celebrated its 100th anniversary. We began as Cristoforo Colombo 1149, in 1922, added a ladies auxiliary, Stella d’Italia 1498 in 1928, and finally merged the two together in 1962 to become Colombo-Stella 1149. We held a grand event at the Fresno Fairgrounds for nearly 230 guests. The evening began with cocktails and appetizers, and there was a tour available to the newly renovated Italian Heritage Museum for anyone who wished to see it. Our Master of Ceremonies Steve Barra, welcomed the crowd, introduced President Olivia DeLiddo who wore the same regalia her grandfather wore 100 years ago. Past State President Comm Maria Fasio Pignati honored the Mother Lodge by singing
It’s with much sadness that before I write the article about our United Lodges Columbus Day Dinner, I speak of the sudden passing of State Orator Manny Finazzo. He will be very much missed by all. We, of United Lodges of Southern California, were honored to have him represent our State President, Barbara Wisniewski at our Columbus Day Dinner. On behalf of the officers and member
The October polenta and chicken Pinochi and Stagnoli scholarship fundraising drive thru dinner was held on October 16th. Thank you to all who worked so hard to sell tickets, gather the ingredients, prepare the meal, and serve at the drive thru. Two hundred and twenty-four dinners were served. No meeting in November. The Christmas meeting is
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786