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Heritage and Culture

Hanford Lodge #1543

by Jackie Giacomazzi

  • 5 April 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1614
Hanford Lodge #1543

Pat Scialo and Jackie Giacomazzi pose after cleaning up after the March meeting of the Hanford Lodge. The two were chairpersons of the refreshment committee and provided for a very “green” refreshment table consisting of green wraps, green jello salad and green garden salad with all the trimming. Hanford is in charge of the United Lodges of the San Joaquin Valley meeting on Sunday, March 12, to be held in Lemoore, CA. The Lodge is also planning an outing to the Chaffee Zoo in Fresno in May and a BBQ in June. Happy Easter and Spring. (if it ever stops raining)!!!

Giulia Fernandez

Giulia Fernandez is the recipient of a Hanford Lodge Memorial Scholarship in memory of Donald Giacomazzi and Lilia Giacomazzi in the amount of $1000.00. She will graduate from Saint Francis High School in Mountain View, CA with honors. She was initiated into the Hanford Lodge in 2005 when she was four months old and has generously given her time to volunteer for many Lodge activities. Her parents are Cara Giacomazzi Fernanadez and Mark Fernandez. Her mother, Cara, was the first president of the Junior Member group. of the Hanford Lodge.

Hanna Hageboeck

Hanna Hageboeck will also receive a Hanford Lodge Memorial Scholarship in memory of Donald Giacomazzi and Lilia Giacomazzi in the amount of $1000.00. Hanna will graduate from Acalanes High School in Lafayette, CA with honors. She was initiated into the Hanford Lodge when she was three months old (9/14/2005) and has been a junior member since that time, helping with projects whenever possible. Her parents are Gina Giacomazzi Hageboeck and Bill Hageboeck. Her mother, Gina, was first alternate to the Grand Lodge Queen in 1984.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786