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Heritage and Culture

Napa Lodge #2043

by Otto DeLeon, Recording Secretary

  • 5 April 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1402

The Napa lodge is bracing for an engaging and active year ahead. The newly installed leadership team has been working diligently to revamp administrative processes and communication tools, ensuring that members are informed and connected. 

A significant change is the relaunch of our website, It features up-to-date information about the lodge, our roots, upcoming events, and news. Members also receive the lodge’s electronic newsletter, In Breve, delivered straight to their inbox through MailChimp. These efforts help keep members informed and engaged with the lodge’s mission and activities.Additionally, the lodge has formed a bocce ball team for extracurricular entertainment. This provides a fun opportunity for members to socialize and compete while promoting the lodge in the community. The team was inactive during COVID, but the lodge is excited to have them back in action. 

To further expand outreach and engagement, the lodge has formed several committees, including a Communications & Outreach Committee, a Culture & Heritage Committee, a Membership Committee, and Sunshine Champions. These groups will help to advance the brand of the lodge and its mission while providing opportunities for members to get involved and contribute. 

The leadership team held an extended planning session in late February to brainstorm and fine-tune key initiatives for 2023. By prioritizing communication and engagement, and developing a range of initiatives and committees, Napa Lodge #2043 is poised for a successful and active year ahead. 


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786