As I write this we (your Grand Council) just completed a virtual “Zoom” Grand Council Meeting. Thank you to all the officers for your patience and it was nice to see a few other lodge members sit in. This has not been an easier year for our filial lodges, but I know we will overcome. All of the Grand Lodge business was taken care of.
Our State Convention will be done by “Zoom” also this year. The date of our Convention will be June 26th 2021, Mark your calendars. This will be an interesting task, more information will follow shortly. As I stated last month, this is an election year. Those members who wish to run for an office within the Grand Lodge please sends a letter of intent to our State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi.
As our counties begin to open up, please remember
We are now one fourth of the way thru the New Year. Things are looking better. We have to stay positive! Last year at this time I was planning on going to Disneyland prior to our Grand Council meeting in Torrance, but things changed on March 16th, the state of California pretty much shut down? Who would have thought we would still be making our way towards the right direction a year later.
On February 13th I was on a “Zoom” meeting with National OSDIA. We were supposed to be meeting in South Carolina, but instead everyone was in thier home. Our National President Nancy has done an excellent job in leading
One month into the New Year, 2021 and we are slowly getting thru this pandemic; at least we are seeing a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccine distribution is on its way, even though slow we are getting close. Keep the positive thoughts there. Just imagine what the people of 1918 were thinking compared to what we have to day. STAY POSITIVE!!
It is nice to hear Lodges are still trying to stay in touch with their members. The drive thru dinners many lodges are doing seem to be successful and even though we do not see that smiling face thru that mask, I am sure it is under there. Many lodges are using Zoom for their get together
First, there was an error on last month’s article, unfortunately my December 2019 article was printed, and that is why you see references to 2020. So I will now post my December 2020 article followed by my January 2021 article. Sorry for the confusion.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your immediate family. This has been a difficult year to say the least, with all the counties in California going in the wrong direction we need to now more than ever, take care of ourselves and listen to our elected officials to beat this pandemic. We may not agree with some of their policies or politics but we have to work together to beat this!!
It was nice to see some lodges able to meet socially distancing themselves. I was excited to see some lodges with their drive thru dinners, even though we are not meeting or gathering it is nice to see some faces even though
First and foremost Andy, please get well, I miss your reminder email that my article is almost late. Take it slow and easy. I know Debbie will do a great job in your absence.
Please keep Andy in our thoughts and prayers as he recuperates!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Turkey sandwiches for all for the next week. November has flown by, now it is time to hear all the Christmas carols as we walk into the various stores thinking about what to buy for that perfect gift. As I mentioned in my last article,
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786