I am hoping that all our April showers (and snowstorms) have turned to lovely May flowers. This has certainly been a difficult winter for many of our members. Our hearts go out to the many members in the Central Valley that had to deal with the historic flooding. The snow in our mountains caused much damage to houses and businesses in the area. Northern and Southern California had record rain and flooding as well. Northern Nevada has h
I was unable to attend the Grand Council but thank goodness for Zoom. I was able to participate in the discussions and be a part of the action while being able to be home helping my husband. Moving into the 21st century is certainly making life easier. I can’t thank our First Vice President, Pauline Richmond enough for helping lead the Council meeting. Anna Graeber, thank you for connecting me on Zoom. Thank you, President Steve Guthrie, of the Centinela Valley Lodge, Annette Porter, and Brian Singuglia for putting us up and your help in setting up and getting food for our Council and guests.
I am looking forward to our Convention in June. I would like to remind everyone that the condition of the Grand Lodge
This month has been exceptionally difficult for me as your President. The First Gent has been undergoing treatments for his illness. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We need them more than ever.
I want to thank my Vice Presidents, Pauline Richmond, and Louie Lodi for stepping up during this time. They have been strong for me and taken over some of my responsibilities.
Lori Rossi and Lynn Lawrence Murphy have been instrumental in keeping business as close to usual as possible during this
I hope all of our Lodge Officers were able to meet with their Council to set schedules for 2023. Knowing where we are going makes things easier. When a bump in the road occurs, it is easy to work around it when you have a plan.
All Financial Secretaries, please be sure to check and update the information in the Il Leone. That is the information used by our members to reach out to you. Be sure to check the meeting information and update to Debbie Ure @ debbie@sandgraphics.com and Andy
With the holidays past, we have had more time to work on the business of the Grand Lodge. The Council will be looking for a new Office Manager as of February first. We will be looking for a qualified member or someone outside of the Order, if necessary.
Several of the Council members assisted in the move to our temporary office. I would like to thank them publicly for their time and energy. Third Vice President, Louie Lodi spent a lot of time packing, loading items in San Francisco, and taking items to the new temporary office in Sacramento. Recording Secretary, Lori Rossi, spent a lot of time sorting items in San Francisco and then placing them in the new temporary location. Financial Secretary, David Lavazzari spent time sorting through many boxes of financial papers, making sure
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786