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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 31 July 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1055
Message From the State President


Hello everyone.  This is my first message to you as your State President.  I am in awe of being elected to the highest office in the Grand Lodge of California and I look forward to representing you for the next two years. I am ready for the challenge and the work has already begun!

As your leader, I will work tirelessly to promote the interests of our Order and to advance the values and principles that have made us so strong.  I will be your voice and ensure every member feels supported and valued. The Order is in my heart and blood and has been since I joined at the age of eleven.  

Communication and transparency will be followed at all times. Speaking with other State Lodges will enable me to see how they obtain and retain members.

My roots began in Boveglio, a tiny hillside town in Tuscany, and being third generation, our home was a typical Italian home with Sunday dinners at Nonna and Nonno’s.

Congratulations to my newly elected Grand Council and appointed Committee Chairs.  I am looking forward to working with them.   Our work has started and did so immediately upon return from the convention

Congratulations to State 1st VP Mark Vaona, State 2nd VP Louie Lodi, State 3rd VP Alan Spano, Immediate Past State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski, State Orator Mary Jane Cambria, State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi, State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari, State Treasurer Genny Arietta, State Trustees North: Pam Bini and Renee Adair, State Trustees Central Tina Sparlin and Carol Esposito, State Trustees South: Paul Finazzo and Pam Buldo. (Head State Trustee) National Delegates: Maria Fassio Pignati, Al Girolami, Mary Jane Cambria, Pauline Richmond, alternates Mark Vaona, Genny Arietta and Anna Graeber.  State Arbiters: Mark Rossi, Pam Ricci, Ray Bini, John Tedesco, Steve Guthrie and alternates Annette Porter, John Russo Jr., Dan Marinelli, Dawn Romero, Jennifer Chandler and Tony George.

Congratulations to our Committees: Western Foundation CAO Mark Rossi, Trustees Anna Graeber (No) Pauline Richmond (Central) and Joe LaPorta (So),  Editor Il Leone: Debbie Ure; Judiciary John Bianco, assistant Al Girolami, Budget & Finance: Gabe Domenici, Scholarship/Students to Italy: Rosemarie Vanderhaar; Italian Language Maria Fassio Pignati, Youth: Brian Watson; Social Justice Tony Ricevuto; Ritual & Protocol Donna Lee Costa, Webmaster Anna Graeber; Leadership Edna Esposito; Birth Defects Libraries/Medical Charities Mary Lucido; Membership:  DeeDee Drene;  Fundraisers:  Pauline Richmond, Garibaldi Meucci Museum Joy Bruno; Convention-Grand Council co-coordinators: Lynn Lawrence Murphy and Lori Rossi; Royal Court Pam Ricci; Janet Capello Award John Costa; Investment Committee: David Lavezzari, John Tedesco  and Mark Rossi; New Home Committee; Louie Lodi, Lori Rossi and Arlene Nunziati;.

Over the years I have served on many Grand Lodge committees and became a State Trustee at the 1993 Burlingame convention where my Dad accepted my nomination for me! I then became the State Recording Secretary and followed that up by being your State First Vice President for four years. Since 1967 I have been a State Delegate and at the upcoming National Convention one term as National Trustee will be completed.  

My first official visit was to my local lodge Columbia Lodge where I was beautifully honored. I attended the annual picnic of the Watsonville Lodge.  It was another beautiful event and the lunch was delicious.  In place of the beans this year we had raviolis and calamari with our chicken.  I won the first prize of a TV on their raffle.  Exciting! I also attended the meeting of the Cornelia Vita Nuova Lodge and introduced them to their new State Deputy Vera Girolami.  Great job done by new President Jennifer Chandler.

Get well wishes to Louise Pampuro who was in a car accident and required surgery. Get well wishes to Tina and Jim Lamanna, long time members of the Shasta Lodge. Sincere sympathy to the Klamath Falls Lodge (Camelia Colombo #1294) and to the family of Louise Holst who recently passed after a lengthy illness.  Thank you Louie Lodi for representing me at the funeral.

Sincere appreciation to IPSP Barbara Wisniewski for allowing the candidates to host a Meet & Greet in her room and for me to host a “toast” Saturday evening prior to the Banquet.

We are starting to appoint State Deputies for the various areas.  Anyone wishing to be a State Deputy please contact me. 

My article will be called “Insieme” (together) because one person cannot do it alone but together we can conquer the world. My parents instilled in me a very strong work ethic, to always be proud and to do the best that I can.

Thank you to my wonderful family for always being there for me and for always supporting me.



Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786