I am writing this right at the deadline, one day after I returned home from a very successful (at least I think so) of our first Grand Council meeting in our new home!
First of all, let me thank everyone who set up the meeting and picked up supplies for our lunch. I am not naming people because I am sure I will forget someone, so a very special thanks to
I am writing this on Valentine’s Day so even though you will read this in March; I hope you are having a lovely day and remembered your favorite Valentine! I cannot believe where the time has gone. Only nine months until Christmas!
Our lodges are set for the new IMEMBERDB program. If you haven’t been trained yet and want to be, be sure to contact Anna Graeber and she will make it happen. Most lodges send out newsletters and this system makes it so easy to do so! Don’t be left out. Call now
Happy 2024 everyone. Hope the first month has been good and exciting for you. It is a new year. Let’s call someone we have not spoken to in a long time and wish them Happy New Year.
I spent two wonderful days at our office and it is looking great. We have desks, book cases and filing cabinets. Everything looks terrific. We still
Hi everyone! Welcome to 2024! I can’t believe another year has gone by. Do you remember when we were children, (a long time ago) it seemed that the months crawled by. As we get older they just fly by!
I cannot believe I have been in this position already six months! Guess time flies when you are having fun. Thank you to my wonderful Officers and
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I traveled to Newberg, Oregon and spent the holiday with daughter Linda. Lovely day eating and watching the Niners and a great 12 days traveling around! Colder than home though!
She kept me busy everyday shopping, going around the quaint town and checking out antique stores. We took a trip to the Tacoma-Seattle area and stayed at Thornewood Castle Inn. It is a lovely
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786