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Heritage and Culture


Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 1 August 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 534

It seems like forever since I have written my message but has only been one issue!  Actually missed writing an article.

I traveled to Los Angeles in May to attend the 75th anniversary of the Centinela Valley lodge in their beautiful hall.  It was a beautiful evening and I was accompanied by my grandson Lorenzo who brought along friends, girlfriend Gail, roommate MJ and Gail’s parents Cheri and Bob all the way from Ohio!  Everyone had a great time celebrating the Lodge and their members and we all got out on the dance hall and danced!  Congratulations President Steve  Guthrie and the Centinela Valley members for 75 wonderful years.  Keep up the good work!

Returned home from LA and left for Washington DC where I attended the beautiful NELA celebration.  I had not been in a few years and was so glad to be back.  California was well represented.  Kudos to Brother Joe Sciame and National for a beautiful event.

Then it was back home to get ready for convention but was slowed down by back issues. I survived and now am recovered from our wonderful 87th State Convention in Concord.

I want to thank Carol Esposito, President of the C Colombo Lodge in Antioch and the members for hosting our beautiful convention and doing a magnificent job.  Our meals were excellent.

My sincere appreciation to my convention co-chairs Lynn Lawrence Murphy and Lori Rossi for all the work they did in making sure that everything ran smoothly.

Thank you to Maria Pignati for all the work done on the Black and White Program book and the Scholarship program book and lots of it done while vacationing in Italy!

Thank you to all of my council and Past State Presidents for their dedication to the Order

We were very honored to have our National President Michael G. Polo attend our convention and spend the week with us.  Everyone loved meeting him and speaking to him.

A beautiful Necrologio was given on opening day by Pam Ricci saying “good bye” to many of our members.

National President Michael and I played bocce and were beat by 14 year old Tyler Watson! Good job Tyler!  It was the first time our National President had ever played bocce on carpet!

There is an article elsewhere in this paper detailing our convention so won’t comment too much more on it.

During convention your officers signed paperwork to sell the liquor license from San Francisco.  The sale price was $180,000 minus commission. Not bad!!!

The rivalry between the South and the North and the SF Giants and LA Dodgers continued at convention.  The teams met at Oracle Park on Friday evening and we had a great group of fans who traveled across the bay to see the Giants beat the Dodgers!!!.

I missed it as all the Past State Presidents and spouses went to dinner with National President Michael and me.  It was a wonderful evening.

The Board and your delegates approved a onetime credit of per capita to all lodges based on their 2nd quarter per capita numbers minus IL Leone and merchandise purchases.

Sister Pauline Richmond was surprised and awarded the distinguished Janet Capello award – a very deserving honor for a hardworking and dedicated member.

The Western Foundation will again have an October raffle and all officers and lodges have received tickets to sell.  Great fundraiser! Be sure to sell your tickets and return them back to the Grand Lodge.

Thursday evening I hosted a champagne reception in my room for delegates and guests and it was a relaxed prelude to our Luau.

Thank you  Michaelynn Menicucci for suppling goodies to munch on. We will do it again next year as everyone seemed to have such a good time.

Thank you to Lori and Mark Rossi for my “pineapple” filled with my favorite drink!

All the business of the convention was done in a timely order and we had two breakout session which we will continue next year and try to allow more time for.

I will again start the Presidents calls like our Immediate Past State President Barbara had. More information next month.

We had fewer delegates and lodges in attendance but the delegates who were there wanted to be there and enjoyed themselves.  We will work on more lodges attending next year.

Four scholarship recipients were honored at the Black and White Ball and it was a beautiful event.  Thank you Jennifer Chandler from the Cornelia Vita Nuova Lodge who did a great job as M/C for the evening.

Another great convention in the books!  Thank you everyone for all your compliments!

I finally got back to the Grand Lode after the 4th of July.  There are still many boxes to unload but we are finally seeing the ‘light”.  Every box has a surprise for us.  Anyone wanting to help unload boxes contact Lori or me.  We found a box full of old photos so I mailed lots back to the members in the photos – of course photos of younger days!

Congratulations to the Lotito family on the birth of twin girls Monroe Marie and Harper Jolie.  Congratulations to parents Alexa and Jeremy Lake, Grandma Carla and great Grandma Mary! Many of us have seen Alexa grow up at our conventions!

Don’t forget our cruise at the end of September.

Ciao until next month!   
Happy Summer!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786