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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 1 September 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 544
Message From the State President

July was another busy month! I sure cannot say I am bored!

I attended the yearly picnic of the Watsonville Lodge. It is always a great and fun event. The chicken and pasta with pesto was great but sure miss the beans! Terrific job as usual Janey Leonardich and your lodge.

We continue to unpack boxes at the Grand Lodge and what treasures we find! Things I have never seen before and I spent a lot of time at the Grand Lodge! We found lots of photos and am sure there are more in the remaining boxes. I had the glass and frames repaired as needed.

All the photos of the Past State Presidents (with the exception of a few recent ones) are ready to be hung in our entry when you first enter the lodge. All will be done by our open house.

Am trying to set up a Presidents call this month.

Took a few days off and went to Laughlin. The weather cooperated, not too hot. I had a good time but paid my “dues”!

I attended a National meeting in St. Louis and we accomplished a lot of business. Representing CA were myself, Maria Fassio Pignati, Al and Vera Girolami and Bill and Lynn Murphy. We missed Barbara Wisniewski who recently had back surgery. Keep her in your prayers.

Traveling was not easy this trip, arrived late the first day but coming home we were delayed one day!!

The meeting was terrific National President Michael Polo did a superb job. A lot of information and business was discussed. Maria has written an article with additional details. Everyone always ask what does National do for me, well check the website and Queso Meso and see what our benefits are. There are discounts with UPS, Italian TV, Italian language courses etc.

Thursday evening some of us attended a St. Louis Cardinal game which was fun! It is a beautiful stadium and we had great seats. It was a good game but St. Louis lost and we didn’t see Brandon Crawford.

Friday and Saturday we had our meetings and lunches. Membership numbers were discussed.

Unfortunately the Grand Lodge of California has lost quite a few members. Let’s get going people and bring up those numbers! Just ask someone and you might be surprised when they say yes!

Wednesday and Friday nights we went to the Hill and had Italian cuisine.

Saturday evening was our farewell dinner where we had a great time. It is always so good to see our old friends and sad to have to say good bye.

The Grand Lodge is now on Imembers DB so lodges be sure to contact Anna Graeber to have your lodge activated.

Mark your calendars: Grand Council at Sea September 27-30, 2024 and the Grand Lodge Open House October 19!

Ciao for now. August and September will be very busy.

Happy Labor Day.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786