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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 1 September 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1310
Message From the State President

I have just arrived home from a week in Tampa Bay, Florida, the site of the National Convention.

Congratulations to our newly elected National President, Michael G. Polo from Connecticut.   He is the first son to follow in his father’s footsteps as National President.  His Father, Paul Polo, traveled many times to California as National President and was honored by the Vallejo Lodges at their annual Fashion Show.  I had the privilege of nominating Michael for the highest office in our Order. 

The Grand Lodge of California had nine delegates who attended the convention and Immediate Past State President Barbara Wisniewski will be writing an article on the convention. I was very proud of our delegates who attended and participated in all the sessions. I will be serving as co-chair of the President’s Cabinet with Biagio Isgro, President of the Grand Lodge of New York, Immediate Past State President Barbara Wisniewski will serve as National Trustee from California, Hon. Al Girolami will be chairing the bylaw committee and Maria Fassio Pignati was elected a National Arbiter! 

On Thursday the Sellaro Recipients were presented and honored at a luncheon.  We were so very proud to have our own Hon. Al Girolami honored as one of the Sellero recipients along with Anita Lombardi Riley from Maryland.

I wish to thank Mark Rossi and the Jelly Belly Company for donating boxes of candy for us to distribute to all the delegates and guests.  They were thoroughly enjoyed and helped give us all a much needed “sugar high” during the afternoon sessions! 

It has been a busy month.  I attended the BBQ hosted by the Diablo Valley Lodge with Past National President Vera Girolami.  It was a great event and so wonderful to see many members I had not seen in a long time.

My three Vice Presidents have been very busy and have selected State Deputies for their respective areas.  Letters are now in the process of being sent to the State Deputies.  They are now working on assigning visitations to the lodges.  I wish to thank all my State Officers for their support.

I met with State Treasurer Genny Arietta, CAO Western Foundation Mark Rossi and Lori Rossi, State Recording Secretary to update the signatures on our bank accounts.  I traveled to Sacramento to view a building, a possible new home for us, and the Grand Council agreed to make an offer on the building.  It is a two story building and we would occupy the bottom floor and rent the upstairs floor. It is close to banks, restaurants and hotels.  At this time we are still awaiting word from the sellers.  

Thank you to John and Pam Tedesco for allowing me to spend the night at their home. It looks like I will be spending many nights at their home!

Our September Grand Council is just around the corner.  We will be honoring Past State President John Costa at the Saturday evening dinner.  Please plan to attend and thank Brother John for his four years of dedication to our Grand Lodge.  Information has been sent and the event will be held in Fairfield. 

I have asked our “ FOTO” representatives Mary Lucido and Monica Domini to attend Grand Council and share their National Convention experiences.      

My sincere condolences to the family of Margaret Olivieri, a past President and Charter member of the Napa Lodge, who recently passed away.



Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786