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Heritage and Culture

A Message from State President

John Costa

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2206
A Message from State President

I know everyone is looking forward to getting back to the “new normal”, attending meetings, cooking dinners, fundraising and attending celebrations. A lot of things we all have missed over the last almost 18 months. Time is coming for this to happen, but we still have to be cautious.

We are in the midst of currently planning our “ZOOM” State Convention; this will be new for all of us so please be patient. The plan is to take care of business in morning then our National 1st Vice President has asked to speak to the convention delegates; afterwards we will have installation of the new officers. This will take everyone’s cooperation to achieve this but I have confidence in all of you.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s day celebration. For many this was the first time to see our families” safely”. The next celebration is Father’s day. Again please everyone be careful.

It is nice to see that many Lodges are slowly meeting again, even though things are different, it is always nice to see that smile behind a mask.

Was I able to accomplish all my goals that I set as your State President these past 2 years? Personally I say” no” But who would have thought we would have to deal with a pandemic for the past 18 months, that closed down cities, states , an entire country and our world actual. We have to stay positive and recover stronger.

We have yet to find a replacement Office Manager, but our Recording Secretary is filling in. Once the lodges start having events and more help is required at the Grand lodge we will hire an Office Manager. Thanks again for the help and extra effort Lori!

This will be my last article as your State President. I want to first thank all of my fellow Grand Lodge Officers and Committee Chairs. I appreciate all of your help during the past two years. I also want to thank all of you, the members of our filial lodges for all of your hospitality and kind words.

I especially would like to thank the Grand Lodge 1st lady for putting up with me, not only these past two years but the past four years as your State President. Thank you Donna Lee!! If we were having our Convention in Anaheim (where it was supposed to be) I would ask her “Donna Lee you just put up with the State president for 4 years where are you going to go now “-“Disneyland!!!”

Hang in there everyone. Vaccines are working, the numbers are showing this. We are going to beat this, and come back stronger than ever.

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yours Fraternally
John Costa
State President


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786