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Heritage and Culture

A Message from State President

Barbara Wisniewski

  • 10 November 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1803
A Message from State President

What a wonderful day First Gent, Ken and I had at the Western Foundation’s Golf Outing. It was sponsored by the Vincenzo Bellini Lodge #2519, in Chico. This Lodge worked tirelessly to prepare this event. President Michael Colletti Smith along with more members than I can name put on a wonderful, profitable event. Thank you all. And, by the way, some of our skilled golfers are a little upset with your Grand Lodge President as I won the “Frozen Meatball Putt”! As I don’t golf no one including myself saw that coming! If you get the opportunity to tune into, you can see this actually happen!

I attended the virtual National Convention this weekend along with the delegates you elected. There are several videos on the you tube page if you would like to see some of what happened. I have asked our National Historian, Lynn Lawrence Murphy and our National Trustee, Arlene Nunziati to write about this event so I don’t want to repeat what they will report.

I hope all our Lodge Presidents have been sharing the information that me and our Vice-Presidents have been sending out to you. This information lets our members know what National, Grand, and Local Lodges are doing. In many cases, recently, the information has been about what is being done to combat Columbus hate.

We have also passed on the information about the interviews being done on each Wednesday. If you missed any, please go to our Facebook page to find the previous interviews with many interesting Italian/Italian Americans.

The meetings for our National Lodge along with some fun videos are housed at our You Tube page . Please take the time to review these. If you go to our Grand Lodge page at, you can view the “Membership Value Proposition”. This presentation, created by our National Lodge speaks to “What does National do for me”.

There is so much information out there if you know where to look. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions. If I don’t have the answer, I will get it for you.

I will be writing the duties of each Lodge Office here in the Il Leone, one at a time, under a separate heading. I think many people hear “Officer” and get concerned with what they might have to do. I hope these little blurbs help to explain away the angst. We are a team, and no office or officer can be successful without the rest of the team.

Till next month


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786