Dear Brothers and Sisters,
THE FOLLOWING ARE TWO VERY IMPORTANT REMINDERS: The end of September is the deadline for you to get your information to the Royal Pageant Chairperson about a Royal Pageant contestant from your lodge. For details, please contact Pamela Ricci- Royal Pageant Chairperson. Columbus Day/October Raffle, September 30, 2022, was the deadline for ticket stubs and money sent to the Grand Lodge of California Office. Hopefully, every effort was made to sell or purchase the tickets, as the proceeds will be for the Grand Lodge of California General Fund.
The weekend of September 16, 17, & 18, 2022, I attended the
First off, some people have asked me where my IL Leone article was last month. I must apologize as I spent a little too much time in that 100-degree weather and it knocked me for a loop, but I am recovered now.
Our Grand Council Meeting in Fresno was very busy. We covered a lot of issues in the day and half but the most important was the selling of The Grand Lodge. I am happy to report that the company interested in the purchasing of The Grand Lodge is extremely anxious and optimistic to work with us.
After a long meeting on Saturday, we all traveled to the Fresno Fair Grounds where we attended the Columbo-Stella Lodge’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. Olivia Deliddo and company wooed everyone with their hospitality and raffle. What was so impressive was all the past scholarship recipients
Ernest Joseph Bertaina (Ernie) passed away on July 4, 2002, at his home with his loved ones by his side. Born in Hanford in 1928 to Barney and Rosie Bertaina, he attended kindergarten in a one-room schoolhouse (South School). He attended Jefferson Elementary, then graduated 8th grade from St.Rose Catholic school in 1943. He was a Hanford High graduate with the Class of 1947.
Ernie had so many jobs throughout his lifetime. He farmed with his family; drove a school bus for Hanford High School; worked for Bertram Motor Sales and
Roma Lodge holds its Junior Member Night at the August meeting each year. The lodge has about 60 junior members and over 25 attended the meeting. They conducted the opening and closing ceremonies and enjoyed getting a lot of back-to-school supplies. Nearly 80 members of the lodge
There are all kinds of songs and odes to summer; the joys, the fun, the pursuit of fireflies on a lovely evening, etc., etc! Nobody who lives in our desert wrote any of them! Perhaps some wrote songs or odes lamenting the lack thereof! But once again I’m writing to say that changes are coming. A sign of that is our doors open October 12! It signals the joy that our lovely falls are about to begin, and perhaps you’ll have the opportunity to play a round of golf without the danger of heat stroke. WHICH BRINGS ME TO A POINT!
Our third annual golf tournament is just over the horizon. Tee off is Monday, November 14, 2022. AND THAT MEANS
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786