After enjoying a great meal of sausage sandwiches with all the trimmings (chaired by Tony and Louise Tesoriere), Louise Silacci, Immediate Past President of Hanford Lodge #1543 poses with a rose which was a gift to each mother at the May meeting. Louise has begun her campaign to be included on the ballot as President of the Grand Lodge of California when members meet for the Convention in June. Let’s give her all our support. She has been dedicated to the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy for many, many years. Happy Father’s Day to all our wonderful fathers!!
Ciao to all our Fraternal Lodges. Can you believe it; that half the year is here. As the old saying goes, time flies when you're having fun.
Also, we are preparing for The Grand Lodge Convention in Reno at the end of June.
ANAHEIM LODGE Celebrated our 65th Anniversary on May 7, 2023. The dinner was held at the Elks Lodge in Brea, CA. We were honored to have in attendance
I am hoping that all our April showers (and snowstorms) have turned to lovely May flowers. This has certainly been a difficult winter for many of our members. Our hearts go out to the many members in the Central Valley that had to deal with the historic flooding. The snow in our mountains caused much damage to houses and businesses in the area. Northern and Southern California had record rain and flooding as well. Northern Nevada has h
Dear Brothers and Sisters.
In March I prepared for the Grand Council meetings, March 17, 18, 2023, held at the Centinela Valley Lodge #1991 Hall, Torrance, CA.
As State First Vice President I was asked to preside as president for the two days meetings of the grand council by State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski. Unfortunately, her husband Ken is going through treatment, and she needed to be with him. However, President Barbara was able
First, I would like to wish you all a Belated Buona Pasqua. Last month due to the Grand Council meeting on March 18th, due to time restraints, I could not get my March article in. The Grand Council meeting was all inclusive with much discussion. We are trying to meet at least a large criteria of needs so that when the final building is found and completed it will benefit all Lodges in California.
On April 15th, Ukiah Lodge held their Annual Polenta “Fun” Raiser, and it was fantastic! The polenta
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786