Saluti Tutti. Greetings from Vallejo. We would like to update you on current happenings at our lodge. First, our sister women’s lodge Beatrice Portinari #1626 decided to merge with us to consolidate membership. We are back to meeting the second Tuesday of each month at our lodge building. During the 3 years of Covid we held several successful curbside pickup dinners. We did have a Scholarship Dinner last July and a polenta dinner last December. We are having a ham & pasta/pesto dinner April 16.
We received applications for 5 scholarships and are happy to announce that all 5 will receive scholarships. We are planning to
Roma Lodge Officers-2023-2025
Front-row (l-R) Joanne Beecher-Mistress of Ceremonies, Renee Marinelli-Recording Secretary, Melissa Watkins-Historian, Tina Sparlin-Financial Secretary, Pam Sola-Junior Members, Louis Benedetti-Trustee,
Milestone Membership
Roma Lodge will celebrate its 93rd Anniversary at the May 1st meeting. A few years ago, the lodge decided to recognize members who are celebrating milestone membership anniversaries every 5-years. Over 25 members will receive their certificates at the meeting.
5 Year Members
Ava Clark, Sophia Gomes, Eva Gomes,
Ariel Maness
10 Year Members
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786