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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 2nd Vice President

Louis Lodi

  • 1 September 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1367
Message From the 2nd Vice President

Brothers and Sisters,

On July 28th, I traveled up to Klamath Falls, Oregon to pay respects to our sister Louise Holst who passed away on July 8th and to visit Yolanda Rosterolla, one of our longest and oldest members at age 97. Louise was a long-time member of the Camelia-Colombo Lodge #1294 and held many offices. She was always there if people needed any help, and she was known as the best hairdresser in Klamath Falls owning the “Family Hairloom Salon” for over 30 years.  On July 29th, they held a Celebration of Life for Louise and over 200 people came to show their thanks and love towards her. After the celebration there was a reception held. On each table there were a number of different fish themed pieces of pottery which Louise had collected over the years from Salt and Pepper shakers, plates, and many other items. People attending choose pieces from her collection to take home. Her brother Lee said, “that is what Louise would want.”

I sat with Oliver Spires, the current President of The Camelia-Colombo Lodge #1294 and his wife Diane at both the Celebration of Life and the reception.  They are truly considerate people that told me some exciting things about the Lodge. This small Lodge was successful in giving out two $1,500. scholarships last year through their strong Fundraising Events. That’s caring for their community through their love of the Order. This Lodge will be turning 100 years old next year!  Wow!

Also, on my agenda was to celebrate one of our longest and oldest members in the California Lodges, Yolanda Rosterolla, at age 97 and with 79 years as a member. I presented her with the 50 Year Plus Pin and a Certificate of Appreciation for all her years of service to The Sons and Daughters of Italy. It was such an honor and delight to spend a couple of hours with her and her son. We talked about all the past years and how things have changed. Then she started talking about her dear friend Elsie and how she moved away about 40 years ago. I started to realize she was talking about Elsa Luchini, who was a member of my Lodge in Sacramento. Elsie was our oldest and longest member with 63 years as a member and at 94 years old. Unfortunately, our Elsie passed away 3 years ago. Her husband, Octavio, and I still play Bocce in the same league every Monday and he is 98 years old. What a wonderful day I had finally going to Klamath Falls, it will live in my memory forever!

The next week I was invited to attend The St. Helena Lodge’s monthly dinner on August 2nd. It was held at Bill Harrison Vineyards and Winery. Bill’s family has a rich history in wine making in Italy, Mexico and California. Lynn Lawrence Murphy gave a presentation about her family’s extensive history in Napa Valley. It was a beautiful setting and a great potluck. Great dinner, to Kevin Coleman and The St. Helena Lodge!

At the dinner, I had the opportunity to thank our State Deputy Julie Quelin for all her years as State Deputy of the St Helena Lodge. Julie spent over 10 years as their deputy, and I presented her with a beautiful Certificate of Appreciation with the Golden seal from the Grand Lodge of California. Julie is moving to Phoenix Arizona to be closer with her daughter. Thank you, Julie, so much for all your dedication to the Order. Enjoy your family.

Ciao for now,
Louie Lodi

Yolanda Rosterolla receiving her 50 Year+ pin and Certificate of Appreciation for from
President Oliver Spires , Camelia-Colombo Lodge #1294  and
Louie Lodi, Vice President of the North


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786