Saluti tutti
Greetings from Vallejo. We had our first polenta and stew dinner in quite a while and it was a success. We had 96 guests including State Second Vice President Louie Lodi and his wife who traveled all the way from Sacramento. Our kitchen crew of Rick Branch, John Costa and Glen Rushing made a very tasty dinner. We plan on having dinners roughly every two months. We celebrated the many birthdays we missed during Covid for long time member Dolores Meyer. Our serving crew was led by Sarah Nichols and Melanie Rushing. Our servers were volunteers from American Canyon High School and did a wonderful job.
I traveled with my wife Pamela Bini, who is State Trustee of the North, to the Ukiah Lodge #2104 for an official visit for their meeting and dinner. We were warmly welcomed by the other State Trustee of the North Renee Adair and Donna Moschetti, Lodge President. We met many new friends and enjoyed a wonderful potluck dinner. They ran a great meeting and had about 35 members in attendance.
Pamela attended the Sacramento Lodge #1352 100th anniversary in Roseville. My daughter Cristina Bini attended as well. They said it was a great event.
Pamela and I also attended the Northern Solano Lodge #2534 crab feed. That was a blast and well organized by Mark & Lori Rossi and crew.
Pamela will be attending Grand Council in Sacramento and I will attend on the Saturday. I am looking forward to seeing the new Grand Lodge building for the first time.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the convention in LA in June.
Buona Notte,
Ray Bini President Virgilio Lodge #1586
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786