Here we are again, getting closer to Grand Council and our Open House the weekend of March 21-23!
It has been a very busy month traveling from my house to the Grand Lodge office! We are ready (as ready as we will be) for our Open House March 23. I am excited to show it off and hope that you will all attend.
The Grand Council will also be meeting there the weekend of March 21-22, 2025. Be sure to get your reports in on time. The only thing we have found is that there even though there are many restaurants in the area, they are small.
It has been such an experience emptying out the boxes at the office. (still many to go) What treasures and memories we have discovered!
Wow the winds and rain have been horrible
Hello again! The Il Leone deadline crops up faster and faster each month!
Busy month cleaning up after Christmas – putting decorations away, donating unused stuff and installations!
I have made several trips to the Grand Lodge and working toward our Open House March 23. Grand Council will be held March 21 and 22, 2025. Remember, Grand Council is always the third (3rd) weekends of March and September starting on Friday and convention always starts on the 4th Thursday of June with Grand Council meetings prior to Thursday. Mark your calendars! We will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of
I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and that Santa Claus was good to you!
My holidays were great, I ate too much and partied a lot! Everyone was home for Christmas, and Santa was very good to the Nunziati’s!
Prior to Christmas I attended the yearly Christmas Party of the Joanne Coccia Lodge and had a marvelous time. It was a beautiful event and everyone was so warm and friendly. It was so nice to see
I hope that everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. I did spending it with daughter Linda in Newberg, Oregon. It was cold though! I had a great time. We did our normal November and Thanksgiving events – great as usual. Love shopping up there as there is no sales tax!
Traveled to “cold” Chicago in the middle of November where Emilio Nunziati proposed to Brianna Galvan. It was a beautiful and exciting celebration. I am finally getting
PLEASE NOTE: The Open House for the new Grand Lodge Building has been temporally postponed. Sorry but we are just not ready! We will probably have it in March but more information will be forthcoming.
We haven’t posted our logo or name on the building yet since there has been an issue with National regarding the new
Happy Fall everyone!
NOTE; Our Open House date has been moved to Sunday, November 3! This gives us more time to get ready. We are getting there – our History room is almost all free of boxes! There are still many boxes to go through. Mark your calendars and come and see your new home!
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786