On a spectacular day, Monday November 18th, the type of day we moved here for, the Joe La Porta Classic was held at the beautiful Indian Springs Canyon Golf Resort in Palm Springs. A bright sunny 72 degrees day, on the newly planted green green grass, surrounded by mountains and blue skies, 64 golfers gave their best in quest of the winner’s trophy!
Only one team would win the trophy, but all the golfers were winner’s, for participating in the tournament. Formerly
p>The Hacienda Lodge celebrated the holiday season at their annual Christmas Party. The party was held at DeLuca’s Ristorante in Whittier.
Thank you again to Bill Chino for hosting the Eureka Lodge Christmas party at the Jacoby Storehouse. Everyone had a good time and the food was delicious.
The January dinner meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 28th. It will not be a potluck. Members and guests will be treated to a lovely pasta dinner free
I hope that everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. I did spending it with daughter Linda in Newberg, Oregon. It was cold though! I had a great time. We did our normal November and Thanksgiving events – great as usual. Love shopping up there as there is no sales tax!
Traveled to “cold” Chicago in the middle of November where Emilio Nunziati proposed to Brianna Galvan. It was a beautiful and exciting celebration. I am finally getting
Buon Natale to my Sisters and Brothers,
The end of our year is finally near. I hope everyone’s year has been prosperous with happiness. 2025 looks like things will be moving forward for the Grand Lodge of California and all our members here.
In traveling around Northern California, I’m excited about many of the Ophelia Lodges growing memberships. On November
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786