From the whole Spano family, let me wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and glorious 2025 to come!!
When thinking of the month of December, as a Christian, Christmas 12/25 and my birthday 12/30 is what I first think of. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ isn’t the only celebrated religious holiday in December!
The OSDIA, as a large fraternal organization,
San Francisco’s 156th weekend celebration of Italian Heritage began on Friday night, October 11, with a great reception at INNOVIT…the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub in San Francisco, hosted by our Consul General Sergio Strozzi, for Queen Isabella and her Court, their parents, and the Italian Heritage Celebration Board of Directors. The next night the Italian Heritage Celebration hosted its beautiful Grande Ballo at the JW Marriott Union Square, with over 250 people witnessing
Congratulations to Napa’s junior member, Austin Graeber, and fellow United States Coast Guard recruit, Amy Crowther. Austin and Amy were recently sworn in and are heading to boot camp in Cape May, New Jersey, where they are set to graduate as full-fledged Coasties on December 13th.
Amy hails from Texas, and her husband, Lieutenant Commander Chris Crowther (Retired), is a friend of Austin’s aunt, Master Chief Erica Graeber.
Austin is following in the footsteps
Polenta is in the air…On Saturday, November 2, the Cornelia-Vita Nuova Lodge of San Francisco held its fundraising Polenta and Sausage Dinner at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club in North Beach. Past Lodge and State President Maria Fassio Pignati welcomed the large group of 240 guests, and introduced Lodge President Jennifer De Palma Chandler who addressed the crowd. Representing Italian Consul General
Polenta is a hearty porridge made from stone-round cornmeal, originated in Northern Italy and has roots that go back thousands of years. In the 16th century, corn, also known as granoturco (Turkish grain), was introduced to Europe from the Americas and became the main
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786