It’s that time again! We are looking for participants for the upcoming Royal Pageant for the 2022 Grand Lodge Convention in Southern California. The contest officially begins on November 1, 2021. Deadline for participant notification is Sunday, November 14, 2021. We are encouraging not only our young ladies, but also our young men to get involved. Remember this is one of the few opportunities that we have to highlight our youth. So we are hoping that more of our lodges will join in and find someone to represent their lodge. It is important to let me know if you have a candidate as soon as possible. The candidates must be between the ages of 15-26, single or married and a member in good standing of the Grand Lodge of California.
Again, the contest officially starts on November 1. Tickets can be ordered from the Grand Lodge. The more tickets you sell, the more money your lodge will receive back. For the last pageant, more than 50% of the monies received went back to the participating lodges. All participants must have a minimum of $2,000 to qualify. Any tickets sold beyond that will determine their placement of the top five in the Royal Pageant. All monies must be mailed to the Grand Lodge in the registered mail envelope provided by the Grand Lodge. The envelope must be postmarked by Monday, April 25, 2022. Placement of the Royal Pageant will be announced in May. More information will be sent from the Grand Lodge detailing all the rules at a later date.
Remember, we need to know no later than Sunday November 14th, if you will have a participant to represent your lodge. Email me
I would like to introduce myself as the new Chairperson of the Royal Pageant. I am Pamela Ricci, President of the Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534 in Reno Nevada. I know many of you from past conventions especially our last one we held live here at the Atlantis Resort. I hope I can count on your support for these next couple of years while keep the tradition of making this a wonderful experience for our youth.
I want to thank President Barbara for appointing me as chairperson of this important committee, but I can’t do it alone. It will be very difficult to follow in Eva Lavezzari’s footsteps
The National Delegates will be voted on by a mailed secret ballot after Convention is over.
The Nominees are: Arlene Nunziati, Mark Vaona, Pauline Richmond and Maria Fassio-Pignati. We will vote for 3.
Marisa and Alan Miller, membership co-chairs, haven’t let COVID-19 stop them from discovering new members who want to join our Sons of Italy community. Meet two of Napa Lodges’ newest members!
Rex is a Senior Executve with Vision Service Plan. His partner, Otto, is engaged in property management with the Napa Women’s Club and supports COVID-19 vaccinaLon pop-up clinics in Santa Rosa, California. Rex served on the board for Sacramento Habitat for Humanity for nine years. Otto served in leadership with the Sacramento based Methodist Church, strategically
The following is a brief summary of the National Plenary Zoom Meeting conducted by National President Nancy DiFiore Quinn on Saturday, February 13th. The Meeting opened with Prayer by Father Forno, Pledge of Allegiance by President Nancy, the National and Italian Anthems sung by our own Maria Pignati. It was great seeing the faces of so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the country. Even though we could not physically hug, everyone’s warm smiles and greetings conveyed the spirit of fraternity.
Reports were given by President Nancy and the 5 Vice Presidents keeping us up to date as what is happening at the National level. Kudos were extended many times by all as to the competency and commitment of the Office Staff.
The Membership Committee has been busily working with the Technology Committee reaching out to increase membership. While our membership num-bers have dropped some, they have seen a big increase in
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786