Many years ago it was a tradition for our brothers and sisters to carry with them a sprig of Boxwood, (Bosso in Italian) or Buxus as was called in ancient times to the funeral at the loss of a brother and sister. Then to place the boxwood either in or on the casket to wish their brother or sister eternal life. As time has moved forward it seems this tradition has gone by the wayside.
Boxwood is a popular evergreen shrub
"The Future Is Now"
At the September Grand Council meeting the GC will consider a proposal by Louise Silacci to establish a Junior Ambassador Program for the Grand Lodge. She has a lot of great ideas on the establishment of the program to get junior members more involved in the Order. She has documented her ideas which includes monthly zoom calls with a variety of topics about Italian Culture. She will also have special activities at the convention to showcase juniors.We all know young people and their parents are very busy these days with school, sports
On a recent afternoon at Divino Ristorante in Belmont, CA, Paula Uccelli, our 2006 Western Foundation Humanitarian Award Honoree, presented the $2500 Pete & Paula Uccelli Foundation Scholarship to Ryan Consani of Redwood City, who was unable to attend the Scholarship Awards Presentation at our June Convention in Reno. Also present was our State President Arlene M. Nunziati and yours truly. Ryan graduated from Carlmont High School in Belmont with a GPA of 4.18. He continues to be active as a swim instructor and coach, and
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At convention this past June our delegation was able to learn first hand about the database program National is providing (imembersdb) to all of the Grand Lodges and Filial Lodges across the United States. We had Patrick Longano, CRO from imembersdb and Shayla Kaestle, Managing Director at OSDIA National join
Our beautiful 86th Grand Convention was hosted by the Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534 of Reno, Nevada at the Silver Legacy in Reno.
Special thanks to Lodge President Dawn Romero and Immediate Past Lodge President Pam Ricci for all their hard work towards making the week so special for all the delegates.
The State Trustees held their trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 20 and did an excellent job of checking the books. This meeting was followed by the Closed Grand Council session.
That evening State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski and First Gent Ken hosted a delicious family style thank you dinner at the La Strada Restaurant. The State President welcomed everyone and she presented
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786