To My Sisters & Brothers of OSDIA
I would like to start out with a big Congratulations to Tony George, new President of the Vincenzo Bellini Lodge in Chico, and his officers. Mike Smith has done a tremendous job and now has passed the gavel to Tony. I know he will continue the superb work the Vincenzo Bellini Lodge has done throughout the years. I would also like to congratulate Mark Rossi and Yvonne Vanoni for becoming State Deputies. Mark is the State Deputy for the Napa Lodge. Yvonne is the State Deputy for the Vincenzo Bellini Lodge. They both will be great assets to the lodges and will help in any way they can.
Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery to Bill Murphy. Donna Lee Costa has stepped in to be President of the Napa Lodge for now. Thank you, Donna Lee! I hope that our “Bocce Monthly Fun Fest”
To My Sisters & Brothers of OSDIA Well Happy New Year 2022! I think we all are looking forward to it. Maybe we will not have a drought this year and maybe America will realize that Christopher Columbus really was a caring person to his fellow man and maybe Amerigo Vespucci will get more credit along with Garibaldi & Meucci for their achievements that they deserve. Oh my God!! I just woke up and I must have been dreaming!! I think my New Year’s resolution should be to stop watching news on television. I recommend that everyone watch The Sons & Daughters of Italy channel on YouTube TV. I spent about three hours watching it the other day. It made me proud that I was a member of this organization. If you can listen to our National President Bob Bianci talk about how he is tired of the
To My Sisters & Brothers of OSDIA I am extremely happy to see many of our Lodges getting back to their monthly dinners. A big congratulations to The Roseville Lodge as they had their first dinner celebration on November 18th since the start of the Pandemic. I and my better half, Londi attended. There was a great crowd for their Ravioli Feed. Being Italian, everyone enjoyed the “Three F’s,” Family, Food, and Fraternity. I was able to sing some songs also. Thank you, Marlene Christinelli, and her Lodge, for a wonderful evening!
The Northern Solano Lodge in Fairfield is having their “Toys to the Salvation Army Dinner” on December 16th at the Senior Center in Fairfield at 6:30 P.M. I know Don Cradduck and the gang will have a great toy drive and dinner. Ernie Gionons Lodge Cesare Battisti is
To My Sisters & Brothers of OSDIA As you can see, I have aged significantly from my last picture. This month I have decided to provide a more recognizable look.
With Thanksgiving this month and all that that has happened in the past year and a half, November is a wonderful time to truly give thanks. Covid has been difficult, and some have lost loved ones. Through my own personal experiences, I have found that when faced with difficult circumstances we overcome them and become stronger and better. My condolences to all those who have struggled with these times. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful and appreciate what we have.
I can see that our fraternal family (OSDIA) is emerging
I have received some feedback that my previous picture did not emphasize my good looks so I hope everyone enjoys my high school graduation picture.
With this month celebrating Columbus Day, I am excited about all the activities happening around Northern California. From San Francisco to Redding, celebrations are happening everywhere. Our dear friend and brother Tony Ricevuto is doing a tremendous job on detouring the Anti Christopher Columbus attacks. I ask people all the time to name two of the most incredible events
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786