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Heritage and Culture

News from the North

Louis Lodi State Third Vice President

  • 15 September 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 1110
News from the North

I want to take this opportunity to say that I did not realize how much this would help me become a better member by taking this position. In talking to numerous members, I really see the dedication that many of our members have for the Sons and Daughters of Italy. Summer is almost over, and Fall is upon us. I hope all the Lodges are finding their way through this Pandemic safely. I’ve been in contact with most of our Lodges in the North and I find it exhilarating that the Lodges are getting together and starting to plan functions for the rest of the year. I hope the fires are starting to calm down and we can enjoy our lives again.

I want to give a shout out to my brothers and sisters especially Richard Negro, President of the Weed Lodge. We had a great conversation last month and I am looking forward to going back to visit their Lodge. I’ve made a multitude of friends over the years in OSDIA, but I just made a new one in Ernie Giono. He is a dedicated President of The Cesare Battisti

News from the North

Louis Lodi

  • 18 August 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1171
News from the North

For those of you that do not know me, my name is Louie Lodi, newly elected Vice President of the North. I have met many of you at our Annual Conventions, but for those that I have not, I have been a member of OSDIA since 2004 holding almost every Officer’s position in the Sacramento Lodge #1352. I served two posts as State Deputy and the last two years Membership Chair of the North.

Navigating through this Pandemic has been tough, but a famous fellow Italian brother Vince Lombardi once said,” when the going gets tough the tough get going.” Membership has dropped tremendously. Rebuilding our Lodges

A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

Sadie Tamburine

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 2322
A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

This is my last article since will not be running for another state office. I have enjoyed serving as your third Vice President and wish my replacement the best of luck. I’d like to thank everyone for their support during my tenure. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads. Hope you’ve enjoyed my trivia articles. Love, Sadie

1. Italy has three active volcanoes: Vesuvius, Etna, and Stromboli.

2. Italy is often called the Bel Paese, which mean beautiful country.

3. Italy is home to the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites – more than 40.

4. Italy has 20 regions and 6 islands.

5. Italy speaks a national language, which was based on the Tuscan dialect, but each region still speaks its own dialect.

6. The Vatican

A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

Sadie Tamburine

  • 29 April 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 2133
A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers. I trust everyone is well. Here’s a fun quiz for your enjoyment. Answers are at the bottom, don’t cheat.

1. What Italian composer penned the major work.......

A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

Sadie Tamburine

  • 4 April 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2339
A Message from the State 3rd Vice President

Hello brothers and sisters, I continue to pray for those affected by the COVID pandemic. I pray for all who have experienced loss and that everyone stays safe and that we will get back to our normal activities soon. Did you realize that April is a big month for celebrations in Italy. I thought I would share a few of the most interesting ones.

Easter, Pasqua, often falls in April. Italian Easter week celebrations start during the week before Easter and continue through Easter Monday, La Pasquetta, a national holiday and a day where you may find some very interesting festivals. One of Easter’s most unusual events is the Scoppio del Carro, or


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786