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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 2nd Vice President

Mark Vaona

  • 27 January 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1819
Message From the 2nd Vice President

Happy New Year to all. I hope everyone stays healthy this year and we can get back to seeing each other. I don’t have a lot to say this month but I do want to emphasize if there is anyone you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile reach out. Sometimes a 10 minute conversation will make some ones day. I look forward to attending some of the lodges meetings this year and hopefully that will start happening again soon.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience. My contact info is in the Il Leone.

State Officers in the Central District.

The following in brief is a report on the activities of the five lodges

News from the South

Mark Vaona

  • 18 August 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1891
News from the South

As I am newly elected to the position of Vice President of the South I don’t have much to report on yet.
I am thankful to be elected and look forward to working with our new State President over the next two years.
If anyone has questions please fee free to contact me.

Thanks all.

Mark Vaona .

A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2208
A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in OSDIA,

We survived 2020 – perhaps not without illness, suffering and loss, and perhaps not as we had planned. But survive it we did and with a willingness to continue being on this earth with the hope that we will serve one another humbly with Fraternalism.

This month, June 2021 will be the end of my two-year term as your State 2nd Vice President. It has been a challenging two years keeping in touch and communicating with the Lodges. I want to thank the Lodges for their support and keeping me informed of their lodge activities. I am honored and so humbled to be able to share this portion of my life and the influence it has had on my personal involvement in OSDIA. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve as a State Officer of OSDIA.

June is also the month for State Convention. The convention may not be exactly as we had in the past. Pandemic regulations have required a virtual meeting. Members gathering to listen to good speakers and sharing the joy of Fun Night, this year will not happen. But the business necessary for a state convention can and will be done. Dedicated members willing to take the challenge

A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 29 April 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 2162
A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

The forthcoming is news on the Grand Lodge Council Virtual Meeting held on March 20, 2021.

The meeting started at 11:00 am. Roll Call of Officers, Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation was given. A reading and approval of the minutes for Saturday, October 10, 2020 Grand Council meeting. proceeded.

Reports were given by each of the state Officers after the meeting was closed the meeting of the Western Foundation was opened. Reading and approval of the minutes for Saturday, October 10, 2020 proceeded. The Western Foundation Committee Chairperson reports were given.

The Western Foundation Meeting was closed and then the Grand Lodge Committee Chairpersons Reports were continued.

In brief, (not in order) the following items were discussed. There was Concern over declining memberships. The Order has dropped to 3,300 members with the closing of five lodges during the past year. There will be

A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 4 April 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2296
A Message from the State 2nd Vice President


I hope the student that had the eligibility requirements applied for the OSDIA’s National scholarships offered. OSDIA has awarded over $61 million in scholarships to date! In past years, Sons of Italy Foundation has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships and National Leadership Grants, ranging from $4,000, to 25,000 in a Nationwide competition. These figures and the numbers of scholarships may vary according to funding each year.

If you follow Facebook, each Wednesday at 4:00pm PT you can listen/watch the “OSDIA Interviews Live”. Wednesday 03/04/2021 Season 3 featured


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786