Brothers and Sisters,
I first would like to thank everyone who worked on the 86th Grand Lodge Convention Committee, Lynn Lawrence Murphy, Lori and Mark Rossi and all the members from the Reno Colombo Lodge. I may have left out somebody so I apologize if I did.
The Convention was packed with many activities from opening ceremony, where Maria Fazzio Pignati sang both our National Anthem and our Italian National Anthem to the swearing in of our New Grand Lodge President Arlene Nunziati. On Wednesday, we started out with the Bocce Tournament and then Thursday night
It’s been an interesting few months. I spent half of November in Europe investigating the Italian Influence on food in Budapest, Vienna and Prague. It was an informative trip but the food was very different from what I expected.
The Grand Lodge has a temporary office in Sacramento. I drove to Sacramento on Sunday December 18 and was able to get all the computers, printers, copiers and phones back online. Our new landlord has been very gracious in giving us access to their high-speed internet at no charge. Our State Vice President
It's September and starting to get busy again. I was privileged to go to Enrico Caruso lodges 95th Anniversary and represent our President. I was thrilled to be able to do this as one of my earliest lodge visits for anything when I was a young man (many moons ago) was to Visalia. My wife was one of our 5 Grand Lodge queens and was invited to ride in the parade in Visalia. I have been there many times since and have always been treated like family.
While we were in Fresno for Grand Council, I was able to attend their 100th Anniversary. It was held at the Fresno Fairgrounds
Hope this message finds everyone doing well. Getting ready for our first in person convention in the last few years and hope to see many of you there. In person events at the various lodges are starting again and I look forward to visiting. Thanks all.
Dear Members,
With the start of the new year, I am looking forward to scheduling my State Officer Official Lodge visits to the Central Lodges. Congratulations to the following lodges: The Watsonville Lodge #2016, received second place in the Santa Cruz County Fair Holiday Lights display.
The Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534 on Fill the Boot – Lodge Donation Campaign total amount as of 12/31/2021 $6,940.00. Almost there, to Fill the Boot! A wonderful way and great idea to generate funds for your lodge. Also, their Festa Primavera will be on April 30, 2022.
The Shasta Lodge #2453 raised $2,482.54 for the Salvation Army. Member John DiMatteo who has been recycling their cans
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786