Dear Brother and Sisters,
I’d like to apologize first for not having an article last month. Our Sacramento Lodge was having its 100th Anniversary Dinner and we had so much to get ready that I was not able to write my monthly article. A fantastic time was had by all! President Danny Marinelli along with sister Pam, and the Anniversary committee did an outstanding job putting everything
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy New Year to all our members from Klamath Falls Oregon, Reno & Sparks, Nevada, and all here in California. 2025 looks like a fantastic year of great opportunities not only for OSDIA but the entire country.
December for me
Buon Natale to my Sisters and Brothers,
The end of our year is finally near. I hope everyone’s year has been prosperous with happiness. 2025 looks like things will be moving forward for the Grand Lodge of California and all our members here.
In traveling around Northern California, I’m excited about many of the Ophelia Lodges growing memberships. On November
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Since the State of California won’t do it, I will. I declare the month of October Italian Heritage Month! On October 5th, I started my month out going to Pittsburg, CA to celebrate the 3rd Annual Festa Italia with members at the C. Colombo Lodge and the people of the Bay Area. Mary Lucido and all the members of the C Colombo Lodge added to the success
I didn’t find out until after the September IL Leone went to print last month that we lost one of our longest members in the United States of 80 years, Ms. Yolanda Rosterolla. To see her smile would light up the room. It was an honor and a privilege to have known her. We will all miss her. God Bless.
On September 13th, I drove to Redding
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786