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Heritage and Culture


Louis Lodi

  • 1 January 2025
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 253

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

     Happy New Year to all our members from Klamath Falls Oregon, Reno & Sparks, Nevada, and all here in California. 2025 looks like a fantastic year of great opportunities not only for OSDIA but the entire country.

     December for me was very busy. It felt like I was living in my car traveling close to a thousand miles celebrating the Christmas season with our members. I started on the 8th of the month driving on a six hundred miles round trip to Eureka for the Eureka Lodge’s Annual Christmas Party. It was so great to finally visit them and meet the members. Even though the Lodge is isolated at the very top of California, they still have such a strong connection to the Order and are proud to be members of OSDIA. Kudos go out to President Jeremy Sorci and his brothers and sisters that made me feel right at home, especially Orlando Gianinni, my new singing partner there. I drove back to Sacramento the next day in a record time of five hours. It was such a beautiful drive traveling through the Giant Sequoias Trees and around Clear Lake.

     On December 14th, Londi and I drove towards the coast to Petaluma for the Annual Christmas Party put on by Cesare Battisti Lodge #1518, where over three hundred people attended their dinner featuring a delicious polenta stew. Carlo Solivin and I entertained everyone, but no we weren’t the highlight as all the children there were in wonderment when Santa arrived and gave out presents.  It brought back memories of sixty years ago when my brothers and sisters and I would go to the Elks Lodge and Santa would give out presents. Many thanks to President John Albini and all his Lodge Elves who put on a great Christmas Festival Dinner!

     On December 17th, I was on the road again to Sonoma to the Valley of The Moon Lodge #1959 sadly to discuss the closing of the Lodge after 77 years of existence. I expressed to them that the Grand Lodge and all the surrounding Lodges will assist them in every way we can to help them continue. I know with some help they’ll be able to get back on their feet again.

     This brings up something I’ve noticed over four years as a State Officer. Where is our fraternity? I know equality and liberty have been achieved over the years, but where has fraternity gone? I remember in the past when a Lodge had a fundraiser, other Lodges would come and support that Lodge. Now, very few members travel to their sister Lodges. I know everyone has excuses like “We’re getting older and can’t travel” or “we’re busy” or “can’t afford it.”  Well, I think some are losing the meaning of “for the love of the Order.” Remember when members supported other Lodges and people would open their homes for members to stay overnight so people wouldn’t have to stay at hotels?

     In 2025, I hope to see more members support our Filial Lodges when they have fundraisers or other activities. Here is a new saying that all of us should use, “Come to our functions as friends and leave as family!” Have a fantastic 2025 and remember to call someone you haven’t talked to in a while and tell them that you were thinking about them.


Felice Anno Nuovo,

Louie Lodi


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786