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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 2nd Vice President

Mark Vaona

  • 27 January 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1820
Message From the 2nd Vice President

Happy New Year to all. I hope everyone stays healthy this year and we can get back to seeing each other. I don’t have a lot to say this month but I do want to emphasize if there is anyone you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile reach out. Sometimes a 10 minute conversation will make some ones day. I look forward to attending some of the lodges meetings this year and hopefully that will start happening again soon.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience. My contact info is in the Il Leone.

State Officers in the Central District.

The following in brief is a report on the activities of the five lodges of the ULSJV December 2021 meeting in the Central District:

Clovis Lodge #1449 at present does not have a meeting place, so they are meeting in various area restaurants. They have had two successful fund-raisers during the pandemic.

The Columbo-Stella Lodge #1149 has had a few Zoom meetings in the past year and will meet in January. They sold gift cards via mail, phone or Venmo and did very well. They have seven new members. Bravo!! Lodge President Olivia De Liddo gave a report on the Italian Museum at the Fresno Fairgrounds. The grand opening will be February 8, 2022. Admission will be free. Mark your calendar. The Fresno Lodge is planning a big celebration for the 100th anni-versary of the Grand Lodge of California’s Mother lodge the Colombo-Stella Lodge in September 2022.

Hanford Lodge #1543 had a successful drive-thru spaghetti/meatball dinner/sauce sale in October 2021. In January they are planning a polenta and stew dinner/meeting. All are invited.

A report by Roma Lodge #1573 President Larry Dutto on the State Presidents Zoom meetings held the 4th Sunday of the month. He is encourag-ing lodge president to participate in the Zoom meetings. In October the lodge was honored by the City of Tulare, naming October as Italian Heritage Month. The Mayor of Tulare, Dennis Mederos, is a member of the Roma Lodge. They served over 350 people in a drive-thru ravioli and chicken dinner for two with all the trimmings.

The Enrico Caruso Lodge #1463 will be celebrating their 95th Anniversary in August 2022. With the new year hopefully, all lodges will be starting to have their general monthly meetings again!

Ciao - Until next month


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786