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Heritage and Culture

Weed Lodge # 1269

by Thomas Mulvihill

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 3432

Our Lodge is situated in the shadow of beautiful Mount Shasta in Weed, California, 60, miles from the Oregon border. Our lodge building / catering hall was built in 1924, by the founding members who came to Weed to work in the lumber industry. We are doing our best to get back on our feet from the Covid pandemic. We have continued to have our monthly meetings in our lodge building and have had several fund raisers. We had a take – out chicken and polenta dinner in October and a crab dinner that was also take – out, in February. We will be catering a chicken and ravioli dinner in March for the Weed Museum which will also help with our finances. We are very fortunate to live in a community that supports all of our activities. July

Hanford Lodge #1543

by Jackie Giacomazzi

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1890

In Loving Memory

Charles Sant’Agata, Past President of the Hanford Lodge #1543, as well as the United Lodges of the San Joaquin Valley, was called to his peaceful reward on February 16, 2022, after a short illness. Charles (Chuck , Charlie) whatever one called him, loved God, his family, his country, his Italian heritage and the many friends he made along the way in his dealings with the numerous

Shasta Lodge #2453

by Carole Dellaragione

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1634

Greetings from Redding:

Shasta Lodge continues to keep busy. At our general meeting in February, Jim Giacomelli and Paul Monette chaired a Mexican Fiesta potluck. They had a great taco bar and many tasty Mexican dishes and even sombrero cookies for dessert.

Then on March 12th we held our St. Patrick’s dinner and served around 130 dinners. We were very happy to have music provided by Club Cougar Orchestra (Foothill High School Jazz Band). What a great group

Saddleback Valley Lodge #2566

by Pat Dito

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1683

The winter has not kept Saddleback Lodge from having fun! Our annual Carnevale provided a wonderful time for us to get together and prepare for Lent. Most came in beautiful, creative costumes.

The event was greeted with enthusiasm although it was mainly for Saddleback members and not the general public for financial reasons. Thanks to all who helped put this together, especially Bernie and Kerry for the decorations. We served Lasagna and a chicken pasta dish from Claro’s. We hope to go back to our normal level of partying next year. That was

Roma Lodge #1573 Tulare, CA

by Larry Dutto-Roma Lodge President

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2091

Milestone Membership
Roma Lodge will celebrate its 92nd Anniversary at the April 4th meeting. A few years ago, the lodge decided to recognize members who are celebrating milestone membership anniversaries every 5-years. Over 60 members will receive their certificates at the meeting.
5 Year Members
Roy Beecher, Amelia Curti, Charli Jo Curti, Hayden DePaoli, James Dutto, Savina Pedroncelli, Sebastian Pedroncelli Sylvia Pedroncelli, Camden Taylor Kate Watkins

10 Year Members
Caitlin Curti, Caleb Curti, Evan Dutto,

First 71727374757677787980 Last

Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786