The Summerset Singers of Brentwood, California, host a holiday concert each December. C. Colombo Lodge member Maryann Smith has performed with the chorus for several years. Pictured second from left
Change is a constant in life. There is an ebb and flow to life, most enjoyable at times, and then there is the sadness these times of change can bring. But we adjust to them, hopefully. Your favorite sports team, riding supremely at the top, is going to have the likes of a Joe Di Maggio or Kobe Bryant retiring, someone else lost to injury or sadly death, but we forge ahead to rise again! And that is the joy of new beginnings, a new start, and that time is upon our Lodge!
Our new President Frank DiSalvo is ascending to his new role, and stepping into the footsteps of retiring President Joe LaPorta. As Frank says
The January potluck dinner meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 23rd. Cocktails at 4:30PM; dinner at 5:15PM; followed by our regular meeting. Meeting begins at 6PM.
Eureka Lodge will award the Irene and Paul Pinochi and Frank Stagnoli Scholarships this spring. Please remind your grandchildren or friends with children of Italian descent that application materials are available now from their high school counselors or
The Christmas Party Committee did a wonderful job organizing a fun event which drew a capacity crowd! left to right: Jackie Giacomazzi, chair; Louise Tesoriere, Louise (Lulu) Silacci, Michael Leoni, President. Michael will chair our annual Polenta Dinner on
And so … Happy new year to everyone; let’s see if this year can be better than the old. A job well done is a job done.
AARP tells us that the Flu shots give us a 20% better advantage over heart disease events per year compared to those folks not getting the shots. Schedule your shots now.
For those that are aware that our articles have been missing these past few months, the fault is being reviewed by the staff
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786