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Heritage and Culture

Gold Country Lodge #2705

by Tami Welch

  • 18 August 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1658

On July 24, 2021, the Gold Country Lodge #2705 proudly celebrated its 25th anniversary. Members and guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner provided by “Off the Vine Catering”. Jim Silveira, Gold Country Lodge President presided over the program. Special guests included Barbara Wisniewski-State 1st Vice President, Lynn Lawrence Murphy-Past State President, Dan Marinelli-State Deputy, and Louie Lodi-3rd Vice President. We also celebrated our oldest lodge member Angelo Battaglia who just turned 99 and our youngest members, twins Darren & Carson Hower, 3 years old. 8 members received their 25 year pin & 1 member, Lisa

Northern Solano Lodge # 2534

by Shirley Firpo

  • 18 August 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2039

California has finally opened its doors. After months of staying at home, masking and social distancing, it was wonderful seeing all our lodge friends. Northern Solano Lodge #2534 is open for business once again.

Zoom meetings were required for January through April. Our first in person meeting was in May. It was great to see everyone again. Activities are picking up too. Our Out to Lunch coordinators, Kay Locatelli and Pam Boes, are busy planning new lunch locations for us to visit.

In May we visited Jelly Belly in Fairfield, June’s luncheon was at Pietros #2 in Vacaville and in July we enjoyed

Cesare Battisti Lodge #1518

by Ernie Giono

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2464

Sisters and Brothers:

Here we are in June of 2021 already. But, If you look ahead, we are slowly winning this fight against the pandemic.. More and more people are getting the vaccine and one day this virus will go the way of Small Pox, TB, Measles, Shingles and Polio etc. Let’s push for that.

The governor says he wants to do away with the color tier system by mid June which just might advance us a little bit faster to being able to meet and greet by August, I hope. I know all of you are so tired of not being able to see your fellow sisters and brothers.

I will miss the ‘in person’ convention this year as I do enjoy seeing all the members from all over our area. The convention will be virtual but that is not the same. I would much rather see and hug every one in person but not this year.

I have no idea where the 2022 convention will be

Valley of the Moon Lodge #1959

by Susan Antonini

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2031


June 15 our California Governor says we can remove our that a time for celebration? Are we to be cautious? Can we hug again? We will be able to resume our dinners? Hopefully soon!

MISSING EACH ONE OF YOU! For sure WHEN we can be together again it will be a joyous occasion!

JUST IN CASE... Are you wondering..? I am no longer attached to Duolingo... It was over 2 years... The words are in my head... just not sure I can put them in order...go ahead and laugh!

TIES TO THE HOME LAND S. Stino Di Livenza 1961 This time of isolation has caused me to think about the times I visited Italy...The first time was in 1961...everything was as it was when my grandmother lived there...

Napa Lodge #2043

by Anna Graeber

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 4104

Our scholarship recipients from 2020 were not in the Il Leone last year, thus, we would like to acknowledge them in this issue. Our scholarship recipients for the 2021 school year will be featured next month as a few of the high school awards ceremonies have not taken place yet.

We are hoping to be able to meet in person once again after June.  It is of course wait and see.

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786