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Heritage and Culture

Chico’s Festa Italiana

  • 12 December 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1767

The sunrise was bright and clear on Sept 18; a good sign for our Lodge’s premiere event of the year. The inaugural “Festa Italiana” was about to open in downtown Chico’s City Plaza.

Planning this extravaganza was the brainchild of Patti Denito, who put together a stellar committee of members dedicated to making it a success. And from the feedback we received, it was indeed a great success.

The Festa kicked off at 10 A.M., ran all day and included Music and Entertainment, Bocce ball, Children’s Activities, Vendors, and of course - Food.

Highlighting the entertainment on the bandstand were “The Dino-Holics”, a Rat Pack group including Marilyn Monroe. “Balliamo” from Sacramento performed traditional Italian dance in full costume, a very talented and colorful ensemble indeed. Food vendors had everything from calamari (tender and delicious) to cannoli, and of course pizza. Our Lodges’ homemade meatball sandwiches were such a hit they sold out way too early.

The kiddies in attendance delighted in face painting, art work and bocce instruction was given for kids and adults alike. It’s amazing how many people never played bocce, the great Italian pastime.

The visual highlight of the day was the “infiorata”(flower carpet) arranged around the plaza fountain. It was a spectacular piece of “eye candy”. (The concept came from flower carpets in many Italian Festas). Made in four quadrants; the one done by a local florist was incredible, with colorful flower petals displayed in mosaic patterns. The other three were done by Lodge members and were beautiful as well.

The City Plaza had been closed for refurbishing, and our event signaled the reopening – and a grand re-opening it was. Congratulations to all who made it possible.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786