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Heritage and Culture

Shasta Lodge #2453

by Mac Turner

  • 12 December 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1739

Greetings from Redding,
After our great Paesano Days event in September, our lodge has not slowed down. On October 16th we hosted a fundraiser for the Alyssa Araiza Wings of Angels. They raise money to help families of seriously ill children. They served about 400 spaghetti and meatball dinners and had a great raffle and auction. There were eight of our lodge men who took care of the cooking, cleanup and bar. Kudos to President Jim Nobili, Vice Pres. John DiMatteo, Paul Monette, John Tasello, Leonard Duz, Steve Delben, Jim Giacomelli and Bob Gullixson. Great job guys.

On November 13th we held our annual Thanksgiving-Memorial dinner. This dinner honors our deceased members. All the proceeds go to our scholarship fund. It is put on by the council members but a lot of other members helped with set-up, cooking and especially clean-up. It was a good event and we raised over $2,000 for scholarships.

At our October and November meetings we welcomed six new members. Patricia Deem, Kathleen Duval, Cathy Jenkins, Doug Phelps, James Richards-Russo and Terri Watson. We welcome them to our lodge and look forward to getting them involved in our activities.

In October we lost yet another long-term member. Lydia Reed had been a member for thirty-four years. She leaves her husband Harold and a son and daughter. Rest in peace Lydia, you will be missed.

In December we will have our annual Council Christmas Party and two large catered Christmas parties with many other events already on the schedule for 2022, including the Redding Police Explorers and tentatively our Crab Feed in February. We are also planning our lodge anniversary party the end of February, and a St. Patrick’s Dinner in March.

There are some big plans in the works for South City Park and the surrounding area. This is the site of our bocce courts and where we hold our annual Paesano Days. A presentation was made at the last Redding City Council meeting showing some of the proposed enhancements. Our lodge has some special insight that we will share with the City Council and the City of Redding officials to let them know that the park can be improved, made safe and once again be a positive feature of the City of Redding.

Our lodge wants to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas, and a busy and profitable New Year.

Your friends from Shasta Lodge


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786