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Heritage and Culture

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

Brian Watson - Presidenti Lou Catallo - Historian

  • 1 February 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 951

Your New Year’s Resolutions are going great? You can commit to your commitments, right?

Bottom Line Personal tells us that the flu shot reduces your chances of dementia by 40%.

Reminder: Our meetings are now back onto our regular schedule of the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM at Luna’s on Pollasky Ave. in Clovis. Be aware that this is being looked at for several

News from Roma Lodge # 1573

by Larry Dutto-Roma Lodge President

  • 1 February 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2106
News from Roma Lodge # 1573

Roma Lodge members held their January meeting on January 8 th at the International Agri-Center Social Hall. Over 40 members and guests were on hand to start the new year. The weather cooperated with no fog and good visibility so members could attend. Dominic Chiaramonte was initiated as the newest member to the lodge. Dominic is the son of Anthony and Richelle Chiaramonte and joins

C. Colombo Lodge #1315

by Zelda LeFrak-Belleci

  • 5 January 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1063
C. Colombo Lodge #1315

The Summerset Singers of Brentwood, California, host a holiday concert each December. C. Colombo Lodge member Maryann Smith has performed with the chorus for several years. Pictured second from left

Dolly Sinatra Lodge #2400

by Andy Casey

  • 5 January 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 987
Dolly Sinatra Lodge #2400

Change is a constant in life. There is an ebb and flow to life, most enjoyable at times, and then there is the sadness these times of change can bring. But we adjust to them, hopefully. Your favorite sports team, riding supremely at the top, is going to have the likes of a Joe Di Maggio or Kobe Bryant retiring, someone else lost to injury or sadly death, but we forge ahead to rise again! And that is the joy of new beginnings, a new start, and that time is upon our Lodge!

Our new President Frank DiSalvo is ascending to his new role, and stepping into the footsteps of retiring President Joe LaPorta. As Frank says

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge

by Brian Watson, Presidenti and Lou Catallo, Historian

  • 5 January 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1346

And so … Happy new year to everyone; let’s see if this year can be better than the old. A job well done is a job done.

AARP tells us that the Flu shots give us a 20% better advantage over heart disease events per year compared to those folks not getting the shots. Schedule your shots now.

For those that are aware that our articles have been missing these past few months, the fault is being reviewed by the staff

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786