On a spectacular day, Monday November 18th, the type of day we moved here for, the Joe La Porta Classic was held at the beautiful Indian Springs Canyon Golf Resort in Palm Springs. A bright sunny 72 degrees day, on the newly planted green green grass, surrounded by mountains and blue skies, 64 golfers gave their best in quest of the winner’s trophy!
Only one team would win the trophy, but all the golfers were winner’s, for participating in the tournament. Formerly
Polenta is in the air…On Saturday, November 2, the Cornelia-Vita Nuova Lodge of San Francisco held its fundraising Polenta and Sausage Dinner at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club in North Beach. Past Lodge and State President Maria Fassio Pignati welcomed the large group of 240 guests, and introduced Lodge President Jennifer De Palma Chandler who addressed the crowd. Representing Italian Consul General
Polenta is a hearty porridge made from stone-round cornmeal, originated in Northern Italy and has roots that go back thousands of years. In the 16th century, corn, also known as granoturco (Turkish grain), was introduced to Europe from the Americas and became the main
Columbia Lodge #1940 celebrated its 80th anniversary at the beautiful Peninsula Italian American Social Club in San Mateo and also honored long time member and State President Arlene Marcucci Nunziati.
One hundred twenty attendees were present and after the program danced to the great music of the Lou Franco Band. In addition, a beautiful raffle was held with over 50 prizes. Most people
President Michael Leone presents a 35-year-membership certificate & pin to Raymond Alvarez at the October meeting. The meeting featured a potluck with Italian dishes prepared by our members. The room was decorated with several items depicting Italian life with a slide show running
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786