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Heritage and Culture

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Carol Watson, President; Lou Catallo, Historian

  • 4 April 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2197

Being a human means we are not perfect, but that is perfectly fine.

There is a huge race going on now between those that refuse to wear masks and those that are getting vaccinations to keep them, their family, and their neighbors safe from the COVID-19 virus.

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Carol Watson, President; Lou Catallo, Historian

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2066

At the time of this writing, a bit of good news: some of our lodge members are getting their COVID-19 shots, and the rate of seasonal flu cases has dramatically dropped (only 165 confirmed cases to February 6). Of course, our state of California will not yet allow large gatherings,

Roma Lodge #1573 Tulare, CA

by Larry Dutto-Roma Lodge President

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2200

For the first time I have had a Roma Lodge member ask if he could pay his $75 dues and have it all go to the Roma Lodge instead of the 25 cents the lodge gets. He no longer wanted to be a member of the state or national organizations. The strength of the Grand Lodge and National organizations comes from the local lodges. It is difficult to justify a member continue their membership when we have not had a meeting since last February- 2020 and it looks as though we may not have another meeting until May or June-2021 and that may be difficult with the COVID pandemic still with us.

When I read the IL Leone our leadership continues to discuss the importance of membership and getting new members into the organization. It is documented that the primary reason anyone joins a particular nonprofit organization is belief in the organization’s mission. If you read the OSDIA Constitution

Hanford Lodge #1543

by Jackie Giacomazzi

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2323

Hi Brothers and Sisters: I am so sorry to report that I have been lax in getting information about the Hanford Lodge to the Il Leone. After Christmas, I thought I had sent a message, but the Editors of the Il Leone did not print it, so I guess they did not get it!!! So, I am now reporting on our “drive-thru” Christmas Party for our Junior Members, which is a little late to say the least!!!

On December 13,2020, the Junior Members of the Hanford Lodge were treated to Christmas stockings filled with lots of goodies and also a monetary gift from the Lodge.

Over 20 stockings were filled by older Junior Members, Gianna and Giiulia Fernandez, while “elves” Miro and Gio Giacomazzi, along with their Nanna Jackie Giacomazzi and parents, Dino and Julie, welcomed cars driven by parents and grandparents into their driveway to deliver the goodies. Drivers were

Roma Lodge #1573

by Larry Dutto-President

  • 8 February 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2289

The World Ag Expo was started in Tulare, California in 1968 at the Tulare County Fair. The show was started with an idea of a few local farmers sitting around in a garage one day having a few adult beverages according to Charlie Pitigliano, past Roma Lodge President and WAE show chairman in 2016. The original show was called the Tulare Field and Row Crop Equipment Show. Each year the show grew in attendance and facilitated the move to the current site in 1982. The name was changed to the World Ag Expo, now with over 2 million square feet of show space, 1,200 volunteers and numerous permanent buildings with plenty of exhibitor space for indoor and outdoor displays. Attended by over 100,000 people and 1,200 exhibitors the show is the biggest in the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the WAE

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786