Around and About Still Safe from Covid
Following Italian Tradition, Katy Castro was named after her grandmothe Caterina Bellini. Katy’s mother, Regina, was born in Uzine, a town in the Friuli region of Nothern Italy. After Regina’s marriage to G.I. David Castro, they made a home in Pittsburg California. Now retired, Katy, a Colombo Lodge Trustee, devotes
The Pandemic Fallout!
It appears that the nation and California has turned the cor-ner regarding the COVID-19 pandemic as government restric-tions have been reduced. Roma Lodge sits in the center of the state and has recently moved into the less restrictive orange tier for Tulare County. Public venues can now have a 50% oc-cupancy rate which means that Roma Lodge will be meeting again on May 3rd.
History will record the number of deaths and health issues
Thomas Jefferson almost said, “Good luck is what you get after you do all the hard work to earn it”.
Italy has a population of 62 million people, of which 96 per-cent are Italian. Dialects include: Sardinian, Friulian, Neapol-itan, Sicilian, Ligurian, Piedmontese, Venetian and Calabrian & Milanese
Thinking Outside the Box
I am sure for many of us who write articles for our own lodge newsletters or those appearing in the Il Leone we will call up our last year article and type in the new information and save it under this year’s filename. The pandemic has changed all of that. The April 2020 edition of the Roma Lodge article had a complete listing of over 75 members who would be presented their “milestone” membership certificates for every 5 years of successful Roma Lodge membership. It included pictures of new members and their families and information about our 90th year anniversary celebration. Which of course never happened because of the pandemic. We have not met since March of 2020.
On March 20th I decided to participate in the Grand Council zoom meeting to learn about what is going on at the state level. I must thank and congratulate President John Costa and all the Grand Council officers
Around & About With Safety in Place Our Answer to Covid-19)
C. Colombo Lodge President Carol Esposito has been working from home following Covid-19 restrictions. She also uses her tech skills to keep the members informed and connected. In-personmeetings may have stopped, but Carol does her best to reach out to lodge members via email and Zoom. Carol has created cards to be sent to members on their special occasions; labels for the monthly greeting cards given to the local VA Hospital patients; formalzing
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786