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Heritage and Culture

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Carol Watson, President; Lou Catallo, Historian;

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2201

To err is human; luckily, that is what we do best.

Sadly, we report on the passing of old friends: Frances Ricchiuti, a member since 1974, and Clara DeLuca, twelfth child of Ciriaco and Maria (Fasano) DeLuca. Ciriaco was an initiator for our lodge here in Clovis, and a charter member since 1927. Verona DeLuca, a longtime member, is a surviving sister. Clara was a graduate of Clovis High School (class of 1955) and Fresno State College. Frances was well known in the area for her cheerfulness and many charitable functions and contributions.

Although the world is almost returning to “normal” our lodge still has no word of when our meeting place (Notre Dame Hall) will be available for our use. Stay tuned, get your vaccination( s), be happy.

Columbus introduced “corn”, or Indian maize, to Europe in the late 1400’s, but, before that, European corn was comprised of almost any grain, including farro (wheat), millet, barley, oats, spelt (wheat), etc. After the burning of Rome, Nero doubled the “corn” allotment for its’ citizens, meaning that they could consume more of the available grain mentioned above. Polenta (pulmentum, to the Romans), now made with Indian maize, was originally made of the grains then used by the Romans and included chickpea flour and ground chestnuts for its’ ingredients.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786