Dear Brother and Sisters,
I’d like to apologize first for not having an article last month. Our Sacramento Lodge was having its 100th Anniversary Dinner and we had so much to get ready that I was not able to write my monthly article. A fantastic time was had by all! President Danny Marinelli along with sister Pam, and the Anniversary committee did an outstanding job putting everything together. Carlo Solivan and I had a wonderful time entertaining all the guests with our singing. Maria Fassio Pignati was so gracious to sing both Nation Anthems of America and Italy. In addition, she sang “The Prayer “with Carlo which was an incredibly special moment. Many thanks to everyone that came to our Centennial! Looking forward to our 150th anniversary.
On Friday, February 7, Londi and I traveled to Redding for their Annual Crab Feed which they give each year on Friday and Saturday. Both nights of the event were sold out as usual. We could only take one night of awesome crab. Kudos to the Chico Lodge and Tony George for bringing about thirty members. It was great to see Redding’s State Deputy John Jeffson and his wife, Lorna. If anyone loves crab and wants to meet some great OSDIA members, next year take a weekend and go to Redding and visit Jim Nobili and his gang for their Annual Crab Feed!
On February 15th, Londi, her sister Carol, and I went to Vallejo to Virgilio Lodge #1586 for the Polenta and Beef Stew Dinner. The polenta was perfect, and the beef stew was to die for. Thanks to Ray and Pam Bini for a great evening! Kudos to John Costa, Rick Branch and Glen Rushing who cooked an outstanding meal. Folks, the Vigilio Lodge is one of the few Lodges that own their building, so it is very important to support the Lodges that do have to take care of and maintain their building. Please, if you can look at the monthly activities page at the back of each Il Leone and go to the other Lodge’s fundraisers and activities. I bet you will meet some super people. National has crafted the great slogan of “Come as Friends, Leave as Family.” That is such a great slogan…say that three times to remember it as it is so powerful!
For those that plan to attend the Grand Council opening & Grand Council meeting on March 21st and 22nd, call Lake Natoma Inn in Folsom at (916)351-1500 if you need to make reservations for your stay and remember to say that you’re with OSDIA..
Our Convention is only a little over three months away at the Sonesta at LAX Airport. I hope to see you all there!
Ciao for Now,
Louie Lodi
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786