I want to let you know that I have submitted my “Letter of Intent” to run for the position of your President of the Grand Lodge of California. I know that this term will not be easy coming back from the Pandemic, but I know that I am up to the challenge. I know that our Officers and Members are with us because of their Love of the Order. I am calling upon you all to share with family, friends, and neighbors, why you love the Order and bring them into our Fraternal Family. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss them.
I receive a periodical each week, the “Italian Tribune”. I know there are many of you who also subscribe to it. As I was reading my January 21st issue, I came across a short article about the Colosseum in Rome. Ken and I got to visit the Colosseum last March before the pandemic closed Italy. While I was standing on the sides looking down at the area that held the animals, gladiators, and later, the Christians to be sacrificed, I
Thank you to the Lodges that can pay partial or full dues for their members for the 2021 year. A wonderful way to show their appreciation.
Volumes have been written about love. We all know the famous passages and adages from “Love conquers all” to “all you need, is love” and many more.
Together, we reach out in countless ways. I want to encourage OSDIA members to grow and thrive despite this unfortunate pandemic. We can do this if we keep our current members and invite others to share our mission. Be open to change and entice younger members.
Love is the center of everything we do. Love in the difficulties, love in joy. It is easy to get wrapped up in life’s frustrations and become discouraged. Your every act should be done with love in building OSDIA membership.
As we continue in this time of Coronavirus;
Hello brothers and sisters, I continue to pray for those affected by the COVID epidemic. I pray for all who have experienced loss and that everyone stays safe and that we will get back to our normal activities soon.
I wish we could celebrate our traditional St. Joseph’s feast this year. My mother who was born in Sicily, always baked for our local St Joseph’s table. As you know, St Josephs’ day, March 19 is a special day in Italy. Giuseppe is one of the most popular names in southern Italy, and Mary’s husband is celebrated on this date, as Festa del Papa, or Father’s Day. Giuseppe,
At the time of this writing, a bit of good news: some of our lodge members are getting their COVID-19 shots, and the rate of seasonal flu cases has dramatically dropped (only 165 confirmed cases to February 6). Of course, our state of California will not yet allow large gatherings,
The following is a brief summary of the National Plenary Zoom Meeting conducted by National President Nancy DiFiore Quinn on Saturday, February 13th. The Meeting opened with Prayer by Father Forno, Pledge of Allegiance by President Nancy, the National and Italian Anthems sung by our own Maria Pignati. It was great seeing the faces of so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the country. Even though we could not physically hug, everyone’s warm smiles and greetings conveyed the spirit of fraternity.
Reports were given by President Nancy and the 5 Vice Presidents keeping us up to date as what is happening at the National level. Kudos were extended many times by all as to the competency and commitment of the Office Staff.
The Membership Committee has been busily working with the Technology Committee reaching out to increase membership. While our membership num-bers have dropped some, they have seen a big increase in
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786