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Heritage and Culture

Watsonville Lodge #2016

by Janey’ Malatesta Leonardich, President

  • 30 September 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2611

The Watsonville Lodge #2016 was thrilled to be able to host its 7th Annual Bob Moresco Memorial Chicken BBQ on Sunday, July 18. The proceeds for this event are to support our scholarship program. The event took place at the Corralitos Padres facility in Corralitos, CA. We were entertained by Joe Simoni and his accordion music as he strolled among our guests

Roger Serpa, our Pitmaster, and his crew served up a perfectly grilled half chicken, our members, Cheryl Daughenbaugh and Diana Keith prepared a tossed green salad with artichokes, Janey’ cooked up a pot homemade chili beans; dessert included cookies and ice cream bars.

Our guests included Vera Girolami, Past Grand Lodge President and Hon. Al Girolami, Pauline Richmond, State Vice President; Judy Buldo, Brianna Simon, Grand Lodge Queen; Arlene Nunziati Past State Vice President; Frank Locicero, State Trustee-Central and our Lodge.

Members from Columbo Lodge #1940 included Angelo Fanucchi, President and Angie. We were also honored to have in attendance local dignitaries. Lowell Hurst, Watsonville City Council and past Mayor; Trina Coffman-Gomez, past Watsonville City Council and past Mayor; Judy Doering Nielsen(member), past Watsonville City Council and past Mayor; and Nancy Bilicich(member), past Watsonville City Council and past Mayor.

Most of our scholarship recipients for 2020 and 2021 were in attendance and helped with the kitchen duties and the raffle. Michelle Cecchini, Scholarship Chair introduced our Van Dusen scholarship recipients; Amira Aspromonte (2020), Dillon Danner (2020), Katherine Hodges (2021) and Liliana Aspromonte (2021). The Ena Moresco Scholarship recipients are Casey Bailey (2020), Aiden Tomasini (2021); Cava Family Trust recipients Claire Marie Cagnacci (2020)(not present) and Katherine Hodges (2021).

Our raffle tables were ladened with an abundance of items. The selections included potted house plants, garden plants, succulents, gift baskets with everything you need for a pasta dinner, desserts, serve ware and collectables. Thank you, Martha Muzzi, Susan Jacobs and Michelle Cecchini, for all your skills in organizing the items and setting beautiful table displays.

Drink tickets and Raffle tickets duties fell on Judy Doering Nielsen, Frank Locicero and Casey Clark. They did a fine job as the day’s end total were tallied. David Delfino and the Boy Scouts set up the table and chairs for the event. Thank you for all your help before, during and after the BBQ.

Janey’ Malatesta Leonardich, President, Gina Gallucci, Orator, David Delfino, Immediate Past President,Financial Secretary It was a day filled with great weather, visiting with friends, and meeting new ones. I want to give a special thank you for our members and friends who volunteered their time and energy and to the guests for making this one memorable day.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786