Let me start by saying...Happy 45th anniversary Shasta Lodge! We turned 45 on February 25 and will be celebrating this month at our Bella Notte themed anniversary dinner taking place on March 22nd. Look forward to seeing some of you there! We will also be announcing our ‘Most Honored Member for 2024”.
Our annual crab feed was once again a HUGE success. We served 469 guests and had a very happy crowd both nights. The food was amazing. The raffle baskets were beautiful, and each baskets theme was perfectly
Hello again! The Il Leone deadline crops up faster and faster each month!
Busy month cleaning up after Christmas – putting decorations away, donating unused stuff and installations!
I have made several trips to the Grand Lodge and working toward our Open House March 23. Grand Council will be held March 21 and 22, 2025. Remember, Grand Council is always the third (3rd) weekends of March and September starting on Friday and convention always starts on the 4th Thursday of June with Grand Council meetings prior to Thursday. Mark your calendars! We will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of
February is traditionally a month for love—romantic, familial, and platonic. In February 2025, love is not just about roses and chocolates.
It’s a time when hearts need to open, when gestures of affection, need a lot of attention. This February comes with a stark contrast, as I write this, January 14th, hopefully the wildfires that are raging through the hills, burning through thousands of homes and businesses
Saluti Fratelli e Sorelle,
I hope that everyone had a nice holiday season and a festive new year!
We will be heading back to the Los Angeles area for convention this year and the kids had a blast at Disneyland last time we were there. I would love to take them to Disneyland again but with their recent price increases I have been looking at other activities as well. I have some exciting events that I am working on for the Youth at the next convention. There are so many fantastic things for the youth to do in the area. If your local to the area, please reach out to me if you have any ideas. My cell number is listed below, feel free to send me a text or call me.
I am still planning on providing a free convention package for the youth members who would like to attend but we will need
Michael DePaoli, Melissa Watkins and Maci Daramy will once again co-chair the Roma Lodge food booth at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, February 11-13th. For the past 57 years the lodge has provided Italian sausage sandwiches to the 100,000 plus visitors to the show from all over the world. Over the past few years our newer members have revised the menu adding pasta, antipasto
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786