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Heritage and Culture

Cesare Battisti Lodge #1518

by Ernie Giono

  • 27 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1397

Cesare Battisti Lodge #1518 has some good news. We have people stepping up to take offices just when we need them.. I am ever so grateful to all of you.

We are looking ahead to finding a new location in Petaluma, where this lodge was established in 1929. In 2023, we are looking

Message from the State President

Barbara Wisniewski

  • 12 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1518
Message from the State President

The summer has come and gone with the blink of an eye! My Aces are doing great, and I hope at this printing they will be the PCL Champions!

Some good things have occurred since my last article. The Grand Council agreed to sign a contract with a highly reputable and recommended Real Estate Broker in San Francisco, Bruno Baldini. The official date for the listing will be August 27th. We are excited to begin this new era in our Grand Lodge history.

I attended the Supreme Summer Plenary session in Chicago. This was our first in person meeting since the pandemic and we were all happy to be together again. There was talk about Members at Large and where we, as Grand Lodges stand with this program. We have formed a committee to review

Message from the 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 12 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1547
Message from the 1st Vice President

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you have been enjoying your summer and having fun in the sun!

Being an officer on the Grand Council for the Grand Lodge of California has its share of new challenges and duties as the First Vice President. This experience has blessed me with new knowledge, understanding, and love for our Order!

The Grand Council has so many different logistics to balance as we work to move forward in the future of the Grand Lodge of California.

I Thank the Lord, for all the blessings that I have received in forty-five plus years as a member of OSDIA and being connected to my Roots!

One of my duties as First Vice President is writing a Leadership article each month for the IL Leone. This article has helped me in so many ways, and to remember, a leader, listener, respect members, cheerful outlook, open mind. I enjoy sharing my ideas and research on leadership. I have to say my first thought when given this duty was what am I going to write each month!! I would like to think that my article is reaching out to members.
At our Grand Council meeting in June 2022, I asked, to have the October Columbus Day Calendar Raffle once again with a winner

United Lodges of Southern California

by Rosemarie Biagetti Vanderhaar Recording Secretary

  • 12 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2340

The United Lodges of Southern California met on Sunday, August 21st at the Centinela Valley Lodge hall. The member lodges attending Centinela Valley, Hacienda, Joanne Coccia, Pugliese and Renaissance. Unable to attend were the Anaheim and Dolly Sinatra Lodges.

The United Lodges welcomed the Renaissance Lodge who rejoined the group.

A lunch of various pizzas, salads and cake served prior to the meeting was enjoyed by those attending. After not meeting

Joanne Coccia Lodge #2553

by Anthony N. Finazzo

  • 12 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1602

The Joanne Coccia Lodge #2553 initiated three new members at our July 24th meeting, Patricia Hicks, Linda E. Wooten and Raul Morales.

At this meeting, Foundation Scholarship Chairman Emanuel Finazzo announced the names of recipients of the 2022 scholarships.

The Joanne Coccia Lodge Foundation is proud to announce the 2022 scholarship awards. Our Lodge is issuing two high school and five continuation scholarships of $2,000 each to deserving students.

The Veta M. Finazzo Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Leyla Strong. Leyla, a graduate of Jay M. Robinson High School in Concord, North Carolina with a 4.2 grade point average, will attend Guilford University in North Carolina and plans to be an athletic trainer. Her major

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786