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Heritage and Culture

Pugliese Lodge #1375 Christmas Party

by Rosemarie Biagetti Vanderhaar Recording Secretary

  • 22 January 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1500
Pugliese Lodge #1375 Christmas Party

On Sunday, December 11th, the officers and members of the Pugliese Lodge enjoyed the annual Christmas Party. It was held at the beautiful new Raffaelo’s Ristorante in San Pedro. President Michael DiGiuro ordered a delicious menu for the occasion.

The meal started with appetizers of bruschetta, roasted red peppers and fried calamari (my favorite).

Next came a European green salad with Raffaelo’s signature dressing and homemade Italian bread. The main course followed with two kinds of penne pasta, served with red sauce or pesto sauce and roasted chicken. For dessert, we enjoyed spumoni ice cream, thanks to members Ed and Mary Ann Spatola. First Lady Edithe Di Giuro gifted everyone with small white ceramic bowl filled with Christmas chocolates. All guests attending were asked to bring one new unwrapped toy that would be donated to the “Toys for Tots Drive” Thank you to John Donato who made arrangements to give the toys.

Special thanks to Francesca Taylor, the lodge’s Italian Culture & Heritage chairperson, taking pictures of the event. It was a wonderful afternoon of Holiday Fraternalism and so glad that the rain had stopped before most of us left home.

Lastly, a very special and grateful thank you to Raffaelo’s Ristorante and staff for the delicious food and the five star service. The staff was professional and attentive, Grazie Mille.

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786