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Heritage and Culture

Hanford Lodge #1543

by Jackie Giacomazzi

  • 9 March 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1143
Hanford Lodge #1543

Vicki Tos organized great refreshments for the Hanford Lodge February meeting. Her helpers included Pat Scialo and Toni Natali. We thank them so much! The new business of this meeting resulted in electing the Convention

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Lou Catallo, Historian

  • 8 February 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1308

Since we are now putting footprints on the moon, the sky is not our limit.

Last month (January) we took a time out from our meetings. …Reminder: Our meetings are now on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at Luna’s, on Pollasky Ave. in Clovis.

United Lodges of the Central

Weed Lodge #1269

Peggy Soletti, Recording Secretary

  • 8 February 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1474

Happy New Year! We have entered 2023 with a positive attitude and extreme hope for what the year is to bring.

To recap highlights of late 2022, we hosted our first sit-down dinner in several years with our Polenta Dinner in October. What a joy to see our community gathered and appreciating conversation and good food!

Unfortunately, Weed suffered another fire in September, destroying homes in Lincoln Heights, Hoy Road, and Lake Shastina. We valued the outreach from lodges and state officers concerned about our wellbeing.

Our Honoring Veterans Breakfast in November

Pugliese Lodge #1375 Christmas Party

by Rosemarie Biagetti Vanderhaar Recording Secretary

  • 22 January 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1500
Pugliese Lodge #1375 Christmas Party

On Sunday, December 11th, the officers and members of the Pugliese Lodge enjoyed the annual Christmas Party. It was held at the beautiful new Raffaelo’s Ristorante in San Pedro. President Michael DiGiuro ordered a delicious menu for the occasion.

The meal started with appetizers of bruschetta, roasted red peppers and fried calamari (my favorite).

Next came a European green salad with Raffaelo’s signature dressing and homemade Italian bread. The main course

Dolly Sinatra Lodge #2400

by Andy Casey

  • 22 January 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1287

Our Lodge just finished a wonderful year! A year that saw us rebound from the misery and confinements of the Covid pandemic, along with the restrictions of Palm Springs City Hall, but here we are again, standing tall and enjoying the dining and the talents of our entertainers.

And as always the sum total of our experience, and it is an amazing great time, is due to our volunteers and President Joe LaPorta. The volunteers keep the drinks flowing at the bar, make and deliver the dinner and lastly the entertainers come forth to amaze us with their versatility and talent! As Frank DiSalvo always says

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786