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Heritage and Culture

Centinela Valley Lodge #1991


  • 31 July 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1368
Centinela Valley Lodge #1991

Our April Dinner Dance was our Queens Coronation. We had the pleasure to crown our new queen Jaden Gonzales, she is a beautiful queen and what was also so enjoyable we had 8 past queens - Louise Pampuro, Lori Scalabrini Blackwell, Francesca Grimes Dennis, Mary Grace Teramo Grammatico, Lisa Vaona-Case, Gilma Vaona, Britany Garnica, Nicole Vaona and our outgoing queen Marissa Lavezzari were present at our wonderful coronation. Jaden's aunt Linda Enneman was in attendance with a few of her family members. Each of our queens had their families also in attendance. Thank you to Anaheim Lodge that attended the dinner and helped with the coronation. We have a few of the pictures below.

Our May 74th Anniversary dinner was a terrific evening! We had a wonderful prime rib or chicken wellington dinner. The food was fantastic, as usual. Our caterer did another outstanding job. The members that helped put this event together created a beautifully decorated hall. Without each and every one of them, our events would not be as successful. We would like to thank each of the lodges and state officers that attended our anniversary: Anaheim Lodge, Joanne Coccia Lodge, Pugliese Lodge and Saddleback Valley Lodge. We had our lodge queen Jaden Gonzales, Scholarship Students to Italy Program Rosemarie Vanderhaar, State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari and wife Eva and representing the State President Paul Finazzo (State Trustee South) in attendance.

Our honoree was In Memory of Andy Pampuro and his wife Louise represented Andy. When Andy was asked to be the honoree he was very excited and it meant a lot to Andy to be asked. He was missed at the anniversary but his spirits were there in the room, he was smiling and looking over everyone. Andy joined Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in 1970 with his wife Louise. Andy held a position in the lodge for 17 years, from 1974 to 1981. Andy held many positions. Andy will truly be missed. We also had the pleasure of presenting a 35 year pin to Serafina Accetta. Here are a few pictures from the evening.

At our June meeting we had the pleasure of presenting our scholarships to two young student from our local high school. We also had the pleasure of presenting another scholarship to one young student with Rosemarie Vanderhaar in attendance. The students are Malia Natividad, Dean Puckett and Jason Alietti. Here is a picture of the three scholarship recipients.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786