The Hacienda Lodge on Monday, January 13th, held its installation of officers for 2025-2027. They also initiated a new member. Both ceremonies were conducted by their State Deputy Rosemarie Vanderhaar.
The lodge meets at the Whittier Elks Lodge hall. A delicious dinner
Hanford Lodge #1543 hosted a very successful Christmas Party for children & adults alike on December 10, 2024. Santa’s visit was a great hit!! He listened to the Christmas wishes of all the children & adults having them sit on his lap for photos to commemorate the evening!! Pizza, salad, great desserts & sweets were enjoyed by all. Our
Well, our lodge has been busy for the past several months. Starting with our May anniversary, we celebrated our 75th Anniversary and we had the honor of our State President Arlene Nunziati and her family in attendance. This year we honored all our members and we had 7 lodges members that received their 25 and 35 year pins, it was a nice turn out. In attendance we had Anaheim Lodge Eva Lavezzari and Joanne Coccia Lodge Michaelynn Minicucci and
Member Birthday:
Pugliese Lodge member Stella Sciarra celebrated her 100th birthday on November 29th, 2024,
She has been a member of the lodge
p>The Hacienda Lodge celebrated the holiday season at their annual Christmas Party. The party was held at DeLuca’s Ristorante in Whittier.
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786