If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I’m self-employed and we’re having a meeting. Last month (April)) we met at Luna’s for a family style dinner, but this article is being written before we met. Our biggest decision was to maintain the status quo (regarding our meeting place) but change the meeting date; the meetings will now be on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays; Isabel will call you so you can make your reservation each month. La Fontana di Trevi
There are no “loopholes” in the tax laws; the laws read the way they do because that is how our legislatures and the congress want them to read. Last month (March) we met at Luna’s for a family style dinner, but this article is being written before we met. We are not doing any worse (meetings wise) since we are not paying Notre Dame
In Loving Memory
Charles Sant’Agata, Past President of the Hanford Lodge #1543, as well as the United Lodges of the San Joaquin Valley, was called to his peaceful reward on February 16, 2022, after a short illness. Charles (Chuck , Charlie) whatever one called him, loved God, his family, his country, his Italian heritage and the many friends he made along the way in his dealings with the numerous
Milestone Membership Roma Lodge will celebrate its 92nd Anniversary at the April 4th meeting. A few years ago, the lodge decided to recognize members who are celebrating milestone membership anniversaries every 5-years. Over 60 members will receive their certificates at the meeting. 5 Year Members Roy Beecher, Amelia Curti, Charli Jo Curti, Hayden DePaoli, James Dutto, Savina Pedroncelli, Sebastian Pedroncelli Sylvia Pedroncelli, Camden Taylor Kate Watkins 10 Year Members Caitlin Curti, Caleb Curti, Evan Dutto,
The pandemic has created a “new normal” if you will, as long held traditions or activities have been modified, done with a different approach, or simply canceled and may never return. For over 80 years Roma Lodge held its annual charity fundraiser an annual ravioli dinner. In the 1950’s it was the social event of the year for the small town of Tulare where over 1,250 people attended for a homemade dinner of ravioli, chicken and spaghetti. Attendees enjoyed an evening of great food, dancing to a live band and wine came with the meal for the low, low price of $3 per person. Now, some 70 years later,
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786