Jose Luis Borges almost said: Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden.
Flu, RSV, Sars, Covid: so many shots to choose from! It really is the season. One of our members recently contracted shingles, which can be prevented with a shot.
Our Central Valley Lodge held a
Roma Lodge held its March meeting with our traditional potluck which was enjoyed by over 65 members and guests. Joann Beecher served as the refreshment chair for the potluck and members brought a wide variety of delicious food for everyone to enjoy. Roma Lodge junior members show off their craft
Roma Lodge members were saddened with the passing of 70-year member Gary Dutto. Gary was a long-time supporter of the lodge volunteering his time and resources for many Roma Lodge activities and fundraisers. He lived in the Tulare area most of his life and was active in the community and local Lions Club. He and his wife Dawn are survived by their five children and 16 grandchildren. Gary spent his entire working career with the Wilbur-Ellis Company retiring
After a “Soup Night” dinner at their new meeting site, C. Colombo Lodge President Carol Esposito officially welcomed guests from the Grand Lodge. Left to right: Louie Lodi 2nd State Vice President, Londi Medrano, newly appointed Deputy to C. Colombo Lodge and Carol Esposito.
Pictured above is a partial group of Roma Lodge members who organized, conducted our Italian food booth at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, February 13-15th. Yes, we know the organization has been changed to the Sons and Daughters of Italy, however, until the sign we placed on our building at the show over 20 years ago is still good and we are not going to change it until it needs to be redone. The World Ag Expo was started at the Tulare Fair Grounds in 1968 and moved to the International Agri-Center
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786